Pengembangan Keterampilan Menulis Kreatif Berbasis Platform Digital di Kalangan Siswa SD Swasta Namira Melalui Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Sastra dan Jurnalistik


  • Hera Chairunnisa Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Tri Indah Prasasti Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Maya Ustia Sitorus Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Lisa Anggaria Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Rangga Kari Pratama Universitas Negeri Medan



literature; digital platforms; journalism.


Writing is important for practicing pouring ideas and honing language skills. The problems found are the absence of special training in writing literary and journalistic works, lack of knowledge about writing on digital platforms, lack of interaction with local writers and journalists, and lack of parental support. Community service aims to develop the creative writing skills of students of Namira Medan Private Elementary School which has not been optimally implemented by collaborating with local journalists. The PkM method is an intensive workshop that focuses on creative writing and journalistic techniques, a short course on technology literacy to support digital creativity, and interactive sessions with local writers and journalists to provide hands-on insights. The results of PkM are that participants understand the writing of literary works, journalism, and increasing understanding of technology which is very useful for the breadth of knowledge of students and their parents and publishing literary works on digital media. The results of the student ability test also seemed to increase and showed a positive change in students' creative writing ability in the form of poetry. The results of the questionnaire for the first and second day activities showed that the students' responses were in the good and very good categories. The results of the students' parents' response to this PkM activity showed that the material provided was very good by 75%, the material related to the needs of students was 85%, the training activities were useful by 88%, the ease of supporting children's writing activities at home was 68.75%, the presentation techniques were interesting at 81%, the training time was efficient at 68.75%, the effectiveness of the activities was 75%, and satisfaction with activities by 85.00%.


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How to Cite

Chairunnisa, H., Prasasti, T. I. ., Sitorus, M. U., Anggaria, L. ., & Pratama, R. K. (2024). Pengembangan Keterampilan Menulis Kreatif Berbasis Platform Digital di Kalangan Siswa SD Swasta Namira Melalui Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Sastra dan Jurnalistik. PUAN INDONESIA, 6(1), 411–420.



Jurnal Puan Indonesia vol 6 no 1 July 2024