The Influence of Problem Based Learners on Students' Mathematical Thinking Ability in Understanding and Applying Polya Stages
Problem Based Learning; Mathematical Thinking Skills; Meta-analysisAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of problem-based learning on students' mathematical ability in understanding and applying polya stages. This research is a type of quantitative research with a meta-analysis approach. The sample of this study comes from 13 studies indexed by Sinta or Scopus published in 2021-2024. The data collection technique is direct observation with the PRISMA data selection method. The data analysis in this study is a quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value with the help of the JASP application. The results of the study concluded that the problem-based learning model provided a significant impact on students' mathematical thinking ability in understanding and applying polya stages with a value of (d = 1.042; p < 0.001) with a medium effect size category
Abdullah, N. I., Tarmizi, R. A., & Abu, R. (2010). The effects of Problem Based Learning on mathematics performance and affective attributes in learning statistics at form four secondary level. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8(5), 370–376.
Ahdhianto, E., Marsigit, Haryanto, & Nurfauzi, Y. (2020). Improving fifth-grade students’ mathematical problem-solving and critical thinking skills using problem-based learning. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(5), 2012–2021.
Ali, M., Nurhayati, R., Wantu, H. M., Amri, M., & Santosa, T. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Model Based on Flipped Classroom to Improve Students ’ Critical Thinking Ability in Islamic Religious Education Learning. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 8(5), 1069–1078.
Aljaberi, N. M. (2015). University Students’ Learning Styles and Their Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(4), 152–165.
Anwar, R. B., & Rahmawati, D. (2017). Symbolic and Verbal Representation Process of Student in Solving Mathematics Problem Based Polya’s Stages. International Education Studies, 10(10), 20.
Arfiana, A., & Wijaya, A. (2018). Problem solving skill of students of senior high schools and Islamic high schools in Tegal Regency in solving the problem of PISA based on Polya’s stage. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 5(2), 211–222.
Arifin. (2020). The effect of problem based learning by cognitive style on critical thinking skills and student retention | Arifin | Journal of Technology and Science Education. Jotse, 2020 – 10, 10(2), 271–281.
Asnur, L., Jalinus, N., Faridah, A., Apra, T., Ambiyar, R. D., & Utami, F. (2024). Video-blogs ( Vlogs ) -based Project : A Meta Analysis. 14(5), 1553–1557.
Astriani, N., Surya, E., & Syahputra, E. (2017). THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TO STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY Education Research View project Visual Thinking View project THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TO STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education ·, 3(2), 3441–3446.
Badawi et al. (2023). Integration of Blended Learning and Project-Based Learning (BPjBL) on Achievement of Students’ learning goals: A Meta-analysis study. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(4).
Boonsathirakul, J., & Kerdsomboon, C. (2023). Synthesis of critical thinking research of basic education level students using Meta-analysis in Thailand during 2010 to 2021. Educational Research and Reviews, 18(1), 1–8.
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., & Rothstein, H. (2007). Introduction to Meta-Analysis.
Brijlall, D. (2015). Exploring The Stages of Polya’s Problem-solving Model during Collaborative Learning: A Case of Fractions. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(03), 291–299.
Chu, C., & Takahashi, M. (2024). Development of an EMI Course with the Integration of Innovative Methods: Effects on Students’ Confidence, Knowledge, and Skills. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 13(1), 90–110.
Edy Nurtamam, M., Apra Santosa, T., Aprilisia, S., Rahman, A., & Suharyat, Y. (2023). Meta-analysis: The Effectiveness of Iot-Based Flipped Learning to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Abilities. Jurnal Edumaspul, 7(1), 2023–1492.
Fitriani, F., Hayati, R., Sugeng, S., Srimuliati, S., & Herman, T. (2022). Students’ Ability To Solve Mathematical Problems Through Polya Steps. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17, 25–32.
Hanny Nurhikma Prapti, Susanto, E., & Hari Sumardi. (2023). Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability in Bengkulu Tabot Context Based on Polya Steps. International Journal of Contemporary Studies in Education (IJ-CSE), 2(1), 18–25.
Hendriana, H., Johanto, T., & Sumarmo, U. (2018). The role of problem-based learning to improve students’ mathematical problem-solving ability and self confidence. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(2), 291–299.
Hilmiyati, F., Panggabean, T. E., Khoirunnisa, R. N., Siregar, M. S., & Santosa, T. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of the CIPP Evaluation Model in Science Learning in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4 . 0. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 8(6), 1375–1384.
Ichsan, I., Suharyat, Y., Santosa, T. A., & Satria, E. (2023a). Effectiveness of STEM-Based Learning in Teaching 21 st Century Skills in Generation Z Student in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(1), 150–166.
Ichsan, I., Suharyat, Y., Santosa, T. A., & Satria, E. (2023b). Effectiveness of STEM-Based Learning in Teaching 21 st Century Skills in Generation Z Student in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(1), 150–166.
Jahudin, J., & Siew, N. M. (2024). the Effects of Polya’S Problem Solving With Digital Bar Model on the Algebraic Thinking Skills of Seventh Graders. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 82(3), 390–409.
Marchy, F., Murni, A., Kartini, K., & Muhammad, I. (2022). The Effectiveness of Using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability for Junior High School Students. AlphaMath : Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(2), 185.
Markiano Solissa, E., Haetami, H., Via Yustita, V., Santosa, T. A., & Syafruddin, S. (2023). Effect Size Discovery Learning Model on Students Critical Thinking Skills. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 7(2), 2083–2093.
Maulyda, M. A., Hidayati, V. R., Rosyidah, A. N. K., & Nurmawanti, I. (2019). Problem-solving ability of primary school teachers based on Polya’s method in Mataram City. Pythagoras: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14(2), 139–149.
Mulyono, & Hadiyanti, R. (2018). Analysis of mathematical problem-solving ability based on metacognition on problem-based learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 983(1).
Oktarina, K., Suhaimi, Santosa, T. A., Razak, A., Irdawati, Ahda, Y., Lufri, & Putri, D. H. (2021). Meta-Analysis: The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning on Multiple Intelligences and Student Character Education During the Covid-19 Period. International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application, 4(3), 184–192.
Olatide, A. (2015). Effect of polya problem-solving model on senior secondary school students’ performance in current electricity. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 97–104.
Putra, H. D., Herman, T., & Sumarmo, U. (2020). The impact of scientific approach and what-if-not strategy utilization towards student’s mathematical problem posing ability. International Journal of Instruction, 13(1), 669–684.
Suparman, A. R., Rohaeti, E., & Wening, S. (2022). Development of Attitude Assessment Instruments Towards Socio-Scientific Issues in Chemistry Learning. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(4), 1947–1958.
Tamur, M., Juandi, D., & Kusumah, Y. S. (2020). The effectiveness of the application of mathematical software in indonesia; a meta-analysis study. International Journal of Instruction, 13(4), 867–884.
Wantu, H. M., Muis, A., Zain, A., Hiola, S. F., Agustina, I., Santosa, T. A., Yastanti, U., & Nugraha, A. R. (2024). Effectiveness of Think-Pair-Share and STEM Models on Critical Thinking in Early Childhood Education. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 8(5), 1320–1330.
Widiana, I. W., Japa, I. G. N., Suarjana, I. M., & Sujendra Diputra, K. (2018). The Students’ Ability to Solve Realistic Mathematical Problems through Polya Type Problem Solving Learning Model. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 12(3), 399–405.
Youna Chatrine Bachtiar, Mohammad Edy Nurtamam, Tomi Apra Santosa, Unan Yasmaniar Oktiawati, & Abdul Rahman. (2023). the Effect of Problem Based Learning Model Based on React Approach on Students’ 21St Century Skills: Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 3(5), 1576–1589.
Zulkifli, Z., Satria, E., Supriyadi, A., & Santosa, T. A. (2022). Meta-analysis: The effectiveness of the integrated STEM technology pedagogical content knowledge learning model on the 21st century skills of high school students in the science department. Psychology, Evaluation, and Technology in Educational Research, 5(1), 32–42.
Zulyusri, Z., Santosa, T. A., Festiyed, F., Yerimadesi, Y., Yohandri, Y., Razak, A., & Sofianora, A. (2023). Effectiveness of STEM Learning Based on Design Thinking in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(6), 112–119.
Abdullah, N. I., Tarmizi, R. A., & Abu, R. (2010). The effects of Problem Based Learning on mathematics performance and affective attributes in learning statistics at form four secondary level. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8(5), 370–376.
Ahdhianto, E., Marsigit, Haryanto, & Nurfauzi, Y. (2020). Improving fifth-grade students’ mathematical problem-solving and critical thinking skills using problem-based learning. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(5), 2012–2021.
Ali, M., Nurhayati, R., Wantu, H. M., Amri, M., & Santosa, T. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Model Based on Flipped Classroom to Improve Students ’ Critical Thinking Ability in Islamic Religious Education Learning. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 8(5), 1069–1078.
Aljaberi, N. M. (2015). University Students’ Learning Styles and Their Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(4), 152–165.
Anwar, R. B., & Rahmawati, D. (2017). Symbolic and Verbal Representation Process of Student in Solving Mathematics Problem Based Polya’s Stages. International Education Studies, 10(10), 20.
Arfiana, A., & Wijaya, A. (2018). Problem solving skill of students of senior high schools and Islamic high schools in Tegal Regency in solving the problem of PISA based on Polya’s stage. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 5(2), 211–222.
Arifin. (2020). The effect of problem based learning by cognitive style on critical thinking skills and student retention | Arifin | Journal of Technology and Science Education. Jotse, 2020 – 10, 10(2), 271–281.
Asnur, L., Jalinus, N., Faridah, A., Apra, T., Ambiyar, R. D., & Utami, F. (2024). Video-blogs ( Vlogs ) -based Project : A Meta Analysis. 14(5), 1553–1557.
Astriani, N., Surya, E., & Syahputra, E. (2017). THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TO STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY Education Research View project Visual Thinking View project THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TO STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education ·, 3(2), 3441–3446.
Badawi et al. (2023). Integration of Blended Learning and Project-Based Learning (BPjBL) on Achievement of Students’ learning goals: A Meta-analysis study. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(4).
Boonsathirakul, J., & Kerdsomboon, C. (2023). Synthesis of critical thinking research of basic education level students using Meta-analysis in Thailand during 2010 to 2021. Educational Research and Reviews, 18(1), 1–8.
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., & Rothstein, H. (2007). Introduction to Meta-Analysis.
Brijlall, D. (2015). Exploring The Stages of Polya’s Problem-solving Model during Collaborative Learning: A Case of Fractions. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(03), 291–299.
Chu, C., & Takahashi, M. (2024). Development of an EMI Course with the Integration of Innovative Methods: Effects on Students’ Confidence, Knowledge, and Skills. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 13(1), 90–110.
Edy Nurtamam, M., Apra Santosa, T., Aprilisia, S., Rahman, A., & Suharyat, Y. (2023). Meta-analysis: The Effectiveness of Iot-Based Flipped Learning to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Abilities. Jurnal Edumaspul, 7(1), 2023–1492.
Fitriani, F., Hayati, R., Sugeng, S., Srimuliati, S., & Herman, T. (2022). Students’ Ability To Solve Mathematical Problems Through Polya Steps. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17, 25–32.
Hanny Nurhikma Prapti, Susanto, E., & Hari Sumardi. (2023). Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability in Bengkulu Tabot Context Based on Polya Steps. International Journal of Contemporary Studies in Education (IJ-CSE), 2(1), 18–25.
Hendriana, H., Johanto, T., & Sumarmo, U. (2018). The role of problem-based learning to improve students’ mathematical problem-solving ability and self confidence. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(2), 291–299.
Hilmiyati, F., Panggabean, T. E., Khoirunnisa, R. N., Siregar, M. S., & Santosa, T. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of the CIPP Evaluation Model in Science Learning in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4 . 0. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 8(6), 1375–1384.
Ichsan, I., Suharyat, Y., Santosa, T. A., & Satria, E. (2023a). Effectiveness of STEM-Based Learning in Teaching 21 st Century Skills in Generation Z Student in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(1), 150–166.
Ichsan, I., Suharyat, Y., Santosa, T. A., & Satria, E. (2023b). Effectiveness of STEM-Based Learning in Teaching 21 st Century Skills in Generation Z Student in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(1), 150–166.
Jahudin, J., & Siew, N. M. (2024). the Effects of Polya’S Problem Solving With Digital Bar Model on the Algebraic Thinking Skills of Seventh Graders. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 82(3), 390–409.
Marchy, F., Murni, A., Kartini, K., & Muhammad, I. (2022). The Effectiveness of Using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability for Junior High School Students. AlphaMath : Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(2), 185.
Markiano Solissa, E., Haetami, H., Via Yustita, V., Santosa, T. A., & Syafruddin, S. (2023). Effect Size Discovery Learning Model on Students Critical Thinking Skills. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 7(2), 2083–2093.
Maulyda, M. A., Hidayati, V. R., Rosyidah, A. N. K., & Nurmawanti, I. (2019). Problem-solving ability of primary school teachers based on Polya’s method in Mataram City. Pythagoras: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14(2), 139–149.
Mulyono, & Hadiyanti, R. (2018). Analysis of mathematical problem-solving ability based on metacognition on problem-based learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 983(1).
Oktarina, K., Suhaimi, Santosa, T. A., Razak, A., Irdawati, Ahda, Y., Lufri, & Putri, D. H. (2021). Meta-Analysis: The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning on Multiple Intelligences and Student Character Education During the Covid-19 Period. International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application, 4(3), 184–192.
Olatide, A. (2015). Effect of polya problem-solving model on senior secondary school students’ performance in current electricity. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 97–104.
Putra, H. D., Herman, T., & Sumarmo, U. (2020). The impact of scientific approach and what-if-not strategy utilization towards student’s mathematical problem posing ability. International Journal of Instruction, 13(1), 669–684.
Suparman, A. R., Rohaeti, E., & Wening, S. (2022). Development of Attitude Assessment Instruments Towards Socio-Scientific Issues in Chemistry Learning. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(4), 1947–1958.
Tamur, M., Juandi, D., & Kusumah, Y. S. (2020). The effectiveness of the application of mathematical software in indonesia; a meta-analysis study. International Journal of Instruction, 13(4), 867–884.
Wantu, H. M., Muis, A., Zain, A., Hiola, S. F., Agustina, I., Santosa, T. A., Yastanti, U., & Nugraha, A. R. (2024). Effectiveness of Think-Pair-Share and STEM Models on Critical Thinking in Early Childhood Education. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 8(5), 1320–1330.
Widiana, I. W., Japa, I. G. N., Suarjana, I. M., & Sujendra Diputra, K. (2018). The Students’ Ability to Solve Realistic Mathematical Problems through Polya Type Problem Solving Learning Model. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 12(3), 399–405.
Youna Chatrine Bachtiar, Mohammad Edy Nurtamam, Tomi Apra Santosa, Unan Yasmaniar Oktiawati, & Abdul Rahman. (2023). the Effect of Problem Based Learning Model Based on React Approach on Students’ 21St Century Skills: Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 3(5), 1576–1589.
Zulkifli, Z., Satria, E., Supriyadi, A., & Santosa, T. A. (2022). Meta-analysis: The effectiveness of the integrated STEM technology pedagogical content knowledge learning model on the 21st century skills of high school students in the science department. Psychology, Evaluation, and Technology in Educational Research, 5(1), 32–42.
Zulyusri, Z., Santosa, T. A., Festiyed, F., Yerimadesi, Y., Yohandri, Y., Razak, A., & Sofianora, A. (2023). Effectiveness of STEM Learning Based on Design Thinking in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(6), 112–119.