eScience Humanity Journal 2024-10-09T01:48:00+00:00 Ferri Yonantha Open Journal Systems <p>eScience Humanity Journal is a social and humanities journal that can be used by researchers both in educational and public institutions. This journal is published twice each year in November and May.</p> <p> </p> An Ideological Construction Disseminated in Persuading People Used by Dr. Joe in Paper Writing Training of His Rumah Scopus. 2024-05-28T12:36:41+00:00 Suswanto Ismadi Megah Saputro Tri Artanto Pristika Handayani Rizki Tri Anugrah <p>This paper deals with ideology disseminated of the language styles used by Dr. Joe, the president of ‘Rumah Scopus”. This paper has an objective to open his ideological power of persuasion behind his words to influence many people. This study applied language style theory of Keraf. The findings shows that there are four techniques used by Dr. Joe in conveying his training. Such as suggestion techniques, compensation techniques, rationalization techniques and identification techniques. Of the four techniques, there were 5 excepts, and there were three language styles used by Dr. Joe are hyperbole, personification, simile, repetition and Metonimia. Hence, the most dominant is the suggestion technique is meant that Dr, Joe tends to persuade the training participants. This is the ideology used by Dr. Joe in strengthening the trust of many people for training at his place, namely Scopus House. Based on the description above, the following two things can be concluded. First, the persuasion techniques produced in Dr. Joe provides excellent explanations so that the training participants will be amazed to follow and deepen their science and knowledge. So that participants have good courage to write in reputable international journals, especially Scopus. Because with this journal, participants can continue their higher educational careers. Thus, the main point of this study the power of lexical choice is the great weapon to convince the participants to join in his writing training camp.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Ideological construction Persuading Paper Writing Training</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Implikatur Percakapan dalam Tayangan “ Tiga Bacapres Bicara Gagasan” 2024-05-28T12:37:25+00:00 Dairi Sapta Rindu Simanjuntak Eka Putri Saptari Wulan Gustianingsih Gustianingsih <p>The context of conversation in a discourse, especially political discourse which is currently trending, is very interesting to discuss. The context of conversation in pragmatics studies can be observed from the concept of implicature. Therefore, this research aims to explore the form of implicature utterances and the meaning of implicatures contained in the dialogue between the 2024 presidential candidates on the "3 Presidential Candidates Talk Ideas" program hosted by Najwa Shihab. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The data source is a conversation video obtained from the YouTube channel. The research data is in the form of speech spoken by the speakers and presenters. Data presentation is carried out using an interactive model, namely data collection, data reduction, data verification and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research are that there are 14 implicature utterance data in the conversation. Implicature utterances are used by each presidential candidate. Even though implicature speech is used in the dialogue, the conversation still runs smoothly because both speakers understand the context and meaning of the speech being conveyed. The most important thing that determines the success of utterers in understanding the meaning and context of each utterance is the existence of similar experiences or perceptions even though it is not stated explicitly.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analisis Pengaruh Brand Image Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Oleh – Oleh Khas Sumatera Barat (Survey Pada Masyarakat Kota Padang Panjang) 2024-05-28T06:02:26+00:00 Nitasri Murawaty Girsang Wahyu Nova Riski FX Yatno Karyadi <p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of brand image variables of Christine Hakim's sanjai balado chips product on repurchase intention on consumers in the city of Padang Panjang, West Sumatra. The type of research used is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The respondents in this research were residents of the city of Padang Panjang who had repeatedly purchased Christine Hakim's sanjai balado chips products. The number of samples in this research was 100 people and the method used was accidental sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to all respondents selected in this study. Based on the results of descriptive statistics conducted, it shows that the majority of respondents expressed their perception of agreeing with all the questionnaire statements distributed. The research results show that brand image has a positive and significant effect on repurchase interest with a significance level of 0.000.</em></p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analisis Semiotika Pada Film Series Gadis Kretek Terhadap Representasi Gender 2024-05-28T05:54:12+00:00 Sylvia Azura Laila Rohani <p>Currently, there are still many Indonesian people who apply patriarchal culture, so this can be used as the main topic for making literary works such as films. The researcher decided to make the Film Series "Gadis Kretek" as a medium to convey gender representation. The purpose of this research is to find out how this film can be a mirror on culture and history to influence gender representation in a certain context and how patriarchal values or gender equality are reflected in the narrative and visuals of this film. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research uses Hongwei Bao's Queer Theory based on a semiotic approach. Queer theory seeks to reveal that gender and sexuality are not only determined by biology, but also by social and cultural constructions. Based on this research, it can be concluded that women are considered unfit to have greater goals or interests and women are also considered as weak objects.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Individualizing English Learning: Implementing Differentiated Instruction 2024-05-28T06:01:02+00:00 Chanti Diananseri Ravica Yaslina <p>This study is intended to investigate the approaches employed by teachers in instructing English through differentiated instruction. A case study methodology was employed, focusing on three English teachers at SMPN 5 Padang Panjang. Data collection involved conducting interviews and making observations. The data was then analyzed through triangulation. The findings revealed that differentiated instruction involves adapting teaching methods to suit the individual needs of students. This is deemed crucial as it allows teachers to provide multiple avenues for students to comprehend information, addressing the diverse needs present within a classroom. Teachers utilize various strategies, including adjustments in content, process, product, and learning environment, to accommodate these needs while maintaining focus on the same topic. The study suggests that differentiated instruction in English education is grounded in the identification of students' learning needs, typically assessed through initial surveys, pretests, or diagnostic assessments. Subsequently, teachers tailor English instruction based on these assessments. Additionally, teachers conduct both summative and formative evaluations to assess the effectiveness of their instructional strategies</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Variasi Tutur “Helmi” Penderita Afasia Suatu Kajian Morfo-Neurolinguistik 2024-05-28T06:02:06+00:00 Mhd Johan <p>This research aims to identify speech events uttered by a respondent named Helmi. The theory used to identify data is neurolinguistics theory initiated by Ingram and Sastra, while for morphological studies the author uses Johan and Susanto's theory. After this theory, the author uses methods, there are two methods, first the data collection method and the data analysis method. For the data collection method, the author uses the skillful listening and involvement method or the agih method. This method was initiated by Nadra and Renidawati. To analyze the data the author uses the method for direct elements. This technique is also supported by the loss technique, the addition technique and the replace technique, this method and technique is the Sudaryanto technique. Once these methods and techniques are involved, results are obtained. The results obtained in this analysis are three processes. These processes are the replace process, add process, and replace process. The results obtained are the morphemes /bukan/&gt; /buka/, /komunikasi/&gt;/komunikai/, /maukah/&gt;/baukah/, /dada/&gt; /tata/ and /rumah/ &gt; /rumba/. In terms of appearance, the replacement process occurred 3 times and the process disappeared three times.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analisis Peran Kampanye di Media Sosial dalam Membentuk Persepsi Publik tentang Pemilu Presiden 2024 2024-05-28T06:01:42+00:00 Nur Maria Lubis Erwan Efendi <p>Social media is a powerful platform for accessing information, sharing information, and influencing public opinion. Therefore, it is very important to understand how social media is used in political campaigns to influence public perception. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of social media on public perception, with a focus on the use of social media in political campaigns. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze several political campaigns in which social media is the main communication tool. Data is collected through observation, interviews and decision studies. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the use of social media in political campaigns has a significant impact on political behavior and public awareness. Social media provides people with the opportunity to exchange opinions through discussions, comments and various campaign-related content that influence public opinion<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Long Distance Interpersonal Communication: The Impact of Smartphones in Maintaining Good Relationships between Parents and Children 2024-05-30T13:12:19+00:00 Dwi Israfi Parangin angin Anang Anas Azhar <p>This research aims to determine the impact of smartphones in maintaining parent-child relationships through long-distance interpersonal communication for students of the Communication Science Study Program, North Sumatra State Islamic University. This research uses a qualitative approach. For data collection, the author used direct interviews, indirect interviews via WhatsApp social media and literature studies. The results of this research include; 1) Long distance interpersonal communication between parents and children via smartphone; (a) monitor the progress of children's studies; (b) health condition; (c) monitoring children's relationships with friends; (d) maintaining openness between children and their parents; (e) monitor financial conditions. 2) Intensity of media use 3) Media and its features 4) Impact of smartphones in maintaining good relationships between parents and children in long distance conditions: 1.1 Positive impact; a) Increasing close relationships b) Ease of access to information; c) Openness and trust 1.2 Negative impacts; a) as if there is no news, the child forgets to tell the parents; b) network or signal interference from both parties; c) miscommunication or misunderstanding in conveying the message; d) applications that must be updated. This research suggests a balanced approach to smartphone use is essential for parents and children to remain emotionally connected and maintain a healthy relationship.</p> <p>Keywords: Interpersonal communication; Long distance; Impact of Smartphones; Connection; Parents with children</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Penerapan Mediasi Penal Sebagai Penyelesaian Perkara Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Perspektif Restorative Justice) 2024-06-06T15:35:37+00:00 Citra Sonia Ragil Surya Prakasa <p>Domestic Violence (KDRT) is still a problem that must be addressed by the Indonesian government, recorded according to the National Commission on Women in 2022 an increase of 18,261 cases, even though law enforcement officials have implemented the Republic of Indonesia Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling Crimes Based on Restorative Justice. And the institution of the Prosecutor's Office, through the Regulation of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Restorative Justice Prosecution. So it is necessary to analyze the urgency of restorative justice through penal mediation as a settlement of domestic violence cases in the perspective of restorative justice. This research uses a normative juridical method with a statutory approach. The results of the research are the procedures for implementing restorative justice through penal mediation in domestic violence cases carried out with the stages of the police report or complaint process by victims of domestic violence, finding post mortem evidence if physical violence has occurred, a statement of peace, a mutual agreement, and evidence of victim recovery. Meanwhile, in the scope of the prosecutor's office, the stages of the process of peaceful efforts, mutual agreement, fulfillment of justice, and issuance of a letter of termination of prosecution are carried out, and if the agreement is not fulfilled, the court process continues, and penal mediation is very important in domestic violence cases, because Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence does not provide special rules for restorative justice, so that the rights of children affected by domestic violence cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, it is important to implement Police and Prosecutor's Office Regulations on handling criminal offenses based on restorative justice to create a win-win solution and fulfill justice for the dignity of each party involved.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analisis Kearifan Lokal Pesta Buah dan Bunga di Berastagi dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Budaya 2024-06-14T14:49:29+00:00 Endah Rananda Gita Br Purba Muhammad Husni Ritonga <p>This study aims to determine the analysis of local wisdom of fruit and flower parties in Berastagi in the perspective of cultural communication This research The method used in this study is Qualitative Discriptive, which provides an overview and identification based on qualitative data. Nazir (2003) explains that the descriptive method not only provides an overview but also explains relationships, makes predictions and obtains the meaning and implications of a problem to be resolved. and directly to the field directly.&nbsp; The results of this research are cultural communication at the Karo fruit and flower festival through traditional media and art performances, through art performances during fruit and flower parties, the entire series of events uses traditional Karo dance. This performance features the Landek dance and the famous five-series dance in Tanah Karo. This festival is a clear example of how local traditions and culture can contribute to sustainable development and preservation of cultural heritage. The supporting factor in this fruit and flower festival is the awareness and concern of the Karo community, actively participating in the event. Mutual cooperation and the success of the event, as well as government support, provide a legal and financial basis for cultural promotion through regional tourism programs. The obstacles experienced are changes in lifestyle, the influence of foreign culture and modern lifestyles which can reduce people's interest, especially the younger generation, in local traditions. Because for them, this event has only become a spectacle, not an application and can be an example for preserving culture.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Chaos in a Pro-Life Event: An Analysis of Negative Impoliteness 2024-06-14T15:22:24+00:00 afriana afriana Ambalegin Ambalegin Imran Aslan Yosua Timotius Natanael <p>A Pro-life event held by Student for Life turned chaotic. This phenomenon can be attributed to the occurrence of negative impoliteness strategies, which attack one’s negative face-wants. This research is aimed to analyze the strategies and the functions of negative impoliteness in the event. This research is descriptive-qualitative, using observational and non-participatory techniques for the data collection. The collected data were analyzed according to the theory of Culpeper (1996, 2011) for the strategies of negative impoliteness and their functions. The results showed that there were negative impoliteness strategies done by the pro-choice audience to frighten, condescend, ridicule, scorn, invade, explicitly associate with negative aspects, and hinder the pro-life speakers and members, which were functioning as coercive and affective impoliteness, consequently turned the event chaotic. They knew and were able to act polite, but decided not to. Arguments aside, both parties should have engaged in a professional and mature attitude.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Dekonstruksi Dimensi Estetika Seni Tari Persembahan Dalam Masyarakat Riau: Kritik Postruk Tari Kontemporer 2024-06-15T01:48:24+00:00 Syielvi Dwi Febrianty Edi Satria Hamzaini Hamzaini Mirda Aryadi <p><em>This research aims to apply the application of Deconstruction to the Aesthetic Dimensions of Dance as presented to the people of Riau with a focus on criticism of contemporary dance postures. Based on the theory of Deconstruction introduced by Jacques Derrida, this research aims to deconstruct the meaning and structure of traditional dance in a contemporary context. Qualitative research methods were used through indirect observation and content analysis of dance performances in Riau. It is hoped that this research will provide a deeper understanding of how the concept of Deconstruction can be applied in studying and strengthening the aesthetic aspects of traditional Riau dance art in a modern contemporary context. The results of this research show that various symbolic meanings are revealed in gender, ecological perspectives, respect for nature, ethics and manners, through dance movements, props used, decoration and clothing, up to the design of the seven floors. All components in the Malay worship dance have a deep meaning and certain complexity. This article contributes to enriching the cultural treasures behind dance which presents contemporary Riau and the deep meaning behind it.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Peranan ICC Dalam Penegakan Hukum Kejahatan Genosida Dilihat dari Perspektif Keadilan 2024-06-16T13:06:34+00:00 Meisyifa Yosaliza Raju Moh Hazmi <p><em>Human Rights (HAM) are basic rights inherent in every individual since birth as part of human nature. Human rights are universal, cannot be taken away or violated by anyone, and do not depend on recognition from the state, law, or other individuals. The existence of human rights is very important to protect human dignity and serves as a moral foundation in relations between individuals. In its application, every individual is obliged to respect the human rights of others and understand that every right is accompanied by obligations. Law, which is dynamic, plays an important role in regulating and protecting human rights, although there are challenges in its implementation and fulfillment, such as discrimination, persecution, and arbitrary detention. Other global challenges include armed conflict, humanitarian crises, and information technology and climate change.</em></p> <p><em>International Criminal Law and Humanitarian Law have been developed to protect humanity from serious crimes such as genocide, which is recognized as a serious violation of international law. Genocide, defined in the Rome Statute and the Genocide Convention, includes acts intended to destroy a particular group. The International Court of Justice recognizes the prohibition of genocide as a norm of international law that must be complied with. The International Criminal Court (ICC), established by the Rome Statute of 1998, is tasked with trying the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. The ICC aims to eliminate impunity and achieve global justice, operating when national justice systems are unable to prosecute such crimes. Human rights analysis and theories of state responsibility underscore the importance of international legal protection against the crime of genocide, asserting that states have an obligation to protect the fundamental values of the international community</em></p> 2024-06-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Form, Function and Meaning of Prefixes Pa- and Particle –Si in Lio Ende 2024-06-16T13:40:10+00:00 Patrisius Kami Yakobus M. Langkelang Niron Adi Iswani Habiba Ga’a <p><em>In this writing, discussed about the Form, Function, and Meaning of the prefix pa- and particle -si in BL in Ende Regency. </em><em>Please</em><em> note that prefixes in BL are always found in one form of prefix, namely pa- and particle –si in every speech of the Lio community in general. In BL, other affixes were also found besides the prefix pa- and particle –si, but the subject of this study only focused on these two forms of affixes. In BL there are also no infixes, suffixes, and confixes found. </em><em>Thispaper aims to describe a subcategory of morphemes in</em><em> B ahasa Lio (B</em><em>L</em><em>)</em> <em>Types of morphemes can be distinguished according to their </em><em>morphological</em><em> and semantic behavior. According to its morphological behavior, morphemes consist of bases, free morphemes and bound morphemes. In both types of morphemes can be classified the process of formation, including formed or attached directly with the basic form free of nouns, verbs, and adverbs. In this study can focus more on the shape of pa- and -si bound morphemes in BL.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Political Penetration on Nuclear Power Plan Issues in Bangka Islands 2024-06-24T12:42:50+00:00 Novendra Hidayat Budi Darmawan Putra Pratama S. <p><em>This study is an analysis of social movement process in collective action context of Local people in Bangka Islands to resist Nuclear Power plan establishment. This study is to analyze social movement process based on collective action which becomes a penetration for lower class people to resist the plan. It is interesting since some structural factors affects social movement penetration in Bangka Belitung. This paper used Anthony Giddens perspective about collective action on social movements. The method used was study case with qualitative descriptive analytic approach. The conclusion of this research is that there is a political network of movements supporting and opposing the development of PLTN. Apart from that, there are power relations between the two movement groups. The support group consists of BATAN which is then supported by the regional government of Bangka Belitung Islands Province, and several district governments on Bangka Island. The second party is the party that opposes the plan to build a nuclear power plant, this party is led by Walhi Bangka Belitung which is supported by local NGOs, national NGOs, mass organizations and student organizations.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-05-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Teaching Student Speaking Skill Through Media Audio -Visual With The Short Movie The king’s Speech At SMKN 1 Sepuluh 2024-06-27T14:12:28+00:00 Maslahah Iahah Mariyatul Kiptiyah <p><em>The purpose of this study is to describe students' experiences using</em> <em>movies as learning media and how the use of movies affects students' speaking skills. Teaching speaking is not just about teaching students to produce spoken words to express their feelings, such as ideas and thoughts but also to facilitate students in negotiating facilitate students in negotiating means using general knowledge of the situation and subject. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with purposive sampling technique of students at SMK N 1 . Data collection methods were carried out by observation and interview. Data analysis techniques using milles huberman. The results showed that short movie can be used as an alternative learning resource for teaching speech so that students are not bored. The high enthusiasm of students can make students more active and easy to understand. Additionally, short films like The King's Speech can provide students with a powerful example of the importance of effective communication in public speaking.This is modeled after King George VI. Students will learn about the challenges faced when speaking in public and how to overcome these obstacles with will and effort.By analyzing the techniques used in this film, such as breathing exercises and proper use of pauses, students will gain valuable insight into how to improve their speaking skills.This is not just academic learning, but also learning that inspires and motivates students to overcome their fears and develop self-confidence in public speaking. </em></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam Menurut Syafi'i Ma'arif dan Hasyim Muzaddi 2024-06-24T12:38:40+00:00 Nurul Akbar Alwizar Alwizar Djeprin E Hulawa <p><em>In the modern world of Islamic education, the inculcation of values that are in line with the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah is essential. To cope with rapid technological advances, the Islamic generation needs a deep understanding of these values in order to dynamically and proactively face the challenges of the future. This study aims to compare the concepts of Islamic education within the scope of Islamic education reform proposed by two modern Islamic reformers, Hasyim Muzaddi and Syafi'i Ma'arif. Conducted as a literature review analysis, this study examines their perspectives on Islamic education.Hasyim Muzaddi emphasizes multicultural Islamic education rooted in the concept of rahmatan lil 'alamin, advocating integration rather than segregation of religious and secular sciences. His educational goals include instilling the values of tolerance, mutual respect and egalitarianism to combat radicalism and extremism. On the other hand, Syafi'i Ma'arif highlights the integration of religious knowledge (dzikr) and secular knowledge (fikr) in fostering a civilized society, in line with the Islamic concept of Tawhid. His educational goals aim to foster individuals who are devout and God-fearing, able to free themselves from dependency. He emphasized improving the professional quality of teachers, curriculum integration, and developing students' potential. By juxtaposing these viewpoints, this study contributes to understanding the diverse approaches in modern Islamic educational thought, providing insights into how these concepts can shape educational practices to effectively face contemporary challenges.</em></p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Development of Rusunawa Triharjo: How Effective is it in Reducing Slum Settlements? 2024-06-19T07:48:22+00:00 Timbul Dompak Lubna Salsabila <p>Rusunawa buildings are constructed in a segregated setting, with distinct sections organized both horizontally and vertically. These units are primarily intended for residential purposes and come with communal facilities, shared amenities, and common land. The objective of the Rusunawa development is to address the issue of slum regions and overcome the constraints of limited land availability. It aims to provide suitable and inexpensive housing options for low-income individuals, specifically those categorized as MBR. The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of the Rusunawa Triharjo project in mitigating the prevalence of slum settlements in Kulon Progo Regency. The findings of this study indicate that: 1) The intended objective of developing Rusunawa has not been fulfilled by the residents of slum regions in Kulon Progo Regency; 2) The overall goal has not been accomplished due to the community's limited interest in residing in Rusunawa Triharjo.</p> 2024-07-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Comparison of Traditional Oil Miners Bojonegoro and Traditional Tin Miners of Bangka Belitung 2024-07-07T03:30:33+00:00 Aprilia Natasya April Donna Ardila Aprillia Muhamad Maulana Ruslan Ruslan <p>This research relates to Natural Resources of oil and gas in Indonesia, which are important commodities in the Indonesian and regional economies, as well as the impact on oil producing areas, especially Wonocolo Village and Bangka Belitung. The aim of this research is to compare the portrait of traditional oil mining in Wonocolo Village and in Bangka Belitung from an economic, social, political and environmental perspective. The type of research method used is descriptive qualitative field research. The data collection technique was carried out through gradual interviews to find out and analyze the differences that exist in the two selected regions. From this research it was found that from an economic perspective, oil mining is an important sector in income and economic growth in the two regions, however the welfare of workers and communities around oil mining is still very unequal from the results obtained from oil mining. The Wonocolo Village community is fully given the authority to manage existing traditional oil mining, while traditional oil mining in Bangka Belitung is more controlled by foreign companies and the state so the political aspect is very strong.Meanwhile, from a social perspective, traditional oil mining has had a positive impact on the Human Development Index (HDI) in the two regions and has had a real impact with the growth of HDI, the economy and regional development continuing to develop every year. The existence of traditional oil mining has a real impact on damage to the surrounding environment, ranging from pollution to ecosystem damage. From the findings above, it can beconcluded that oil mining has many positive and negative impacts on economic, social, political and environmental aspects in local communities.</p> 2024-07-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital CV. Taha Citra Mobil Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Mobil diKota Medan 2024-07-08T14:10:51+00:00 Rizky Sugiharto M Jailani <p>This research discusses digital marketing communication strategies on CV. Taha Car Image. CV is an abbreviation of Commanditaire Vennootschap, in Indonesian it is also called Commander's Fellowship. This research aims to observe strategies that can increase sales carried out by the company. CV. Taha Citra Mobil is one of the CVs that operates in the field of buying/selling used cars, which can create a positive impact between parties to build long relationships, consumers and stakeholders. This research uses qualitative methods with interviews and analysis to gain a competent understanding of the digital marketing communication strategy implemented by Taha Citra. The research results prove that the strategy can be implemented perfectly by involving consumers through social media and e-commerce platforms, displaying creative, innovative content and existing facts and establishing cooperative relationships. It is known that the use of functional tools is very useful for measuring the extent of marketing effectiveness. According to these findings, it is hoped that competitors can provide updated activities on digital platforms through the media, establishing good relationships with consumers by providing content that is educational and interesting. Therefore, this research provides benefits for competitors to develop more innovative marketing communication strategies in the future.</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Gaya Komunikasi Pengguna Media Sosial Tiktok dalam Berpendapat Mengenai Kasus Pelecehan Seksual 2024-07-08T14:12:08+00:00 Adisya Putri Hasanah Zuhriah Zuhriah <p>This research aims to analyze the communication style of TikTok social media users in expressing opinions regarding cases of sexual harassment. The research method uses a qualitative approach by collecting data through observation of TikTok content related to cases of sexual harassment. This research focuses on analyzing communication styles, including word choice, facial expressions, body movements, and visual elements used by TikTok users. The research results show variations in the communication styles used by TikTok users in conveying their opinions regarding sexual harassment cases. Some users tend to use humor or creative language, while others are more serious and prioritize facts. These findings provide insight into how TikTok users adapt their communication styles to address sensitive issues such as sexual harassment on social media. The implications of this research can be used to understand the dynamics of online communication in the context of relevant social issues.</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Perilaku Komunikasi Manusia Silver di Kota Medan 2024-07-09T14:06:13+00:00 Cindy Rahmayani Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang <p>Humans are considered social creatures and cannot meet their daily needs alone This research discusses the communication behaviour of the silver community in the city of Medan The main questions of this study are: (1) What kind of communication behaviour does the Silver Man use? (2) What are the factors that affect the communication behaviour of the Silver Man in the city of Medan? The purpose of this study is to describe the communication behaviour of the Silver Man in the city of Medan This research is part of the field research category related to events in the field Using a mass-based qualitative descriptive approach to produce descriptive data in the form of text and oral words from people observed by the researcher</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Peranan Konten Tiktok “@Vinamuliana” bagi Para Pelaku Pencari Kerja 2024-07-17T13:25:28+00:00 Fachrul Rozzy Fakhrur Rozy <p><em>The TikTok app is filled with material, and in addition to providing a platform for amusement, it also features a number of content providers that offer TikTok users helpful educational resources. Among them is Vina Muliana, an 89 million-follower content producer who gives TikTok fans a lot of helpful advice regarding the world of careers.Through in-depth interviews with a number of people who have utilized Vina Muliana's TikTok content in the field of education, this study aims to shed light on the function of TikTok content for job searchers. According to the study's findings and conclusions, Vina Muliana's professional education material has a beneficial influence on adolescents who learn what alternatives they can use to support their future careers.</em></p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Komunikasi Interpersonal Orang Tua dalam Pencegahan Pernikahan Dini Terhadap Anak Usia Remaja di Kecamatan Medan Sunggal 2024-07-23T04:14:38+00:00 Arina Safira Indira Fatra Deni <p>Preventing early marriage poses significant challenges for parents in Medan Sunggal, exacerbated by social influences and peer pressure. Effective communication emerges as a crucial strategy in navigating these complexities, bridging generational gaps and addressing the impact of social media on adolescents. This study examines the experiences of parents in Medan Sunggal through qualitative interviews with individuals such as Ibu SR and Pak RD. Their insights highlight the effective use of open dialogue and real-life examples to educate children about the risks of early marriage. Parental efforts in fostering open communication have proven instrumental in helping adolescents understand the importance of delaying marriage until they are emotionally and financially prepared. By discussing future plans and illustrating real-world consequences, parents strengthen familial bonds and empower children to make informed decisions amidst societal pressures.</p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Enhancing English Language Teaching through 21st-Century Competence: Insights from All Male Instructional Design Class 2024-07-24T10:19:55+00:00 Hilma Pami Putri <p><em>As the world becomes more interconnected, the ability to swiftly adapt to changes has never been more crucial</em><em>. </em><em>Consequently, the Indonesian government has proposed that all educational institutions promote 21st-century competencies in every subject, including English lessons. In language teaching classes, preservice teachers must evolve to meet the demands of future competencies, which are essential for participating in global commerce, diplomacy, and multicultural societies. These competencies include critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication. This study aims to investigate how preservice teachers conceptualize these competencies and the strategies they use to enhance language teaching. The data was gathered from male students enrolled in an Instructional Design Class who received material on 21st-century skills. The findings reveal that all male instructional designers meet the demands of future competencies and are actively incorporating strategies to develop these skills in their language teaching practices. These strategies include integrating technology, promoting a scientific approach, and preparing for the demands of an interconnected, globalized world. However, there is still a need to focus on effective teaching techniques to achieve the desired learning outcomes in language education. This study highlights the importance of continuous adaptation and innovation in teaching methodologies to equip students with the necessary skills for the future</em>.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Gender and Cultural Representation in the Film Yuni 2024-07-24T13:18:39+00:00 Cindy Arviani Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang <p>The researcher took the film Yuni 2021 as research material because the film shows a life that relates to gender equality issues that occur in a community environment and shows a strong representation of patriarchal culture, namely the voices of todays women who are fighting fortheir dreams and higher education. The purpose of the researcher in taking this study is to find out how gender and culture are represented in the 2021 film “Yuni”. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method using the semiotic approach of Charles Sanders Pierce with a triangle of meaning in the form of signs, objects, and interpretations. The film “Yuni”</p> <p>also features scenes that depict patriarchal culture, especially in Indonesian territory. In addition to the difference in social status between men and women, this patriarchal culture shows an obsession with control or a strong desire to control everything. This leads to a gap between men and women. This representation shows how women are seen in patriarchal culture and how the film “Yuni” seeks to portray womens struggle against patriarchal culture.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Loyalty Model In Umrah Religious Tourism Travel and Factors that Influence It (Study on Ajwa Tours Indonesia) 2024-07-24T15:31:57+00:00 Weni Yuliani Syafrizal Syafrizal Sari Lenggogeni <p>Study This aim For analyze the model and influencing factors loyalty and satisfaction Ajwa Tours Indonesia Umrah congregation. Loyalty and satisfaction are crucial success a company in give service to customer. Population sample in study This is Umrah pilgrims who have use Ajwa Tours Indonesia services 2 years the latest (2022-2023) as many as 200 customers. Study This use analysis description through SmartPLS 4.0. The variable being measured are social media marketing, brand image, and service quality, satisfaction and loyalty. Research result show that the Social Media Marketing variable has an influence positive and not significant on satisfaction and loyalty. Brand Image has an influence on loyalty and satisfaction positive and significant. Satisfaction has an influence on loyalty positive However No significant. Service quality has an influence on satisfaction positive and significant. Service quality has an influence on loyalty positive No significant. And satisfaction has an influence on loyalty positive and significant.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Etika Komunikasi Interpersonal Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Kepada Dosen Melalui Smartphone 2024-07-28T06:24:46+00:00 Muhaini Muhaini Abdul Karim Batubara <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Etika Komunikasi Interpersonal Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Kepada Dosen Melalui Smartphone. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara kurang beretika dalam berkomunikasi dengan dosen saat menggunakan handphone. Di era modern seperti sekarang, mahasiswa sering berkomunikasi dengan dosen melalui perangkat elektronik dan platform digital, salah satunya adalah aplikasi WhatsApp. Namun, masih sering terjadi permasalahan dalam berkomunikasi, seperti kurangnya perhatian mahasiswa terhadap waktu dan penggunaan kalimat yang sopan. Metodologi kualitatif diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Mahasiswa yang belajar ilmu komunikasi di Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara menjadi sumber data penelitian ini. Para mahasiswa ini berkomunikasi dengan para profesor mereka melalui telepon genggam. Selain itu, berbagai artikel yang berkaitan dengan etika komunikasi interpersonal menyediakan data sekunder yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data yang menggabungkan wawancara dan observasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi memiliki etika komunikasi interpersonal yang kuat ketika berinteraksi dengan dosen melalui smartphone. Dengan melihat data yang telah peneliti kumpulkan, yang menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menyapa dosen melalui aplikasi Whatsapp, memperkenalkan diri, berkomunikasi secara langsung, dan mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih kepada dosen ketika dosen merespon chatting mereka, peneliti dapat menarik kesimpulan mengenai perilaku mereka. Lingkungan sekitar kampus UIN Sumatera Utara yang merupakan lokasi yang islami menjadi elemen kedua yang mempengaruhi etika komunikasi mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi. Pengaruh dosen di kampus juga menjadi faktor lain, karena mereka sering mengajarkan mahasiswa teknik komunikasi yang efektif. Selain itu, media sosial juga menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi.</p> 2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes dalam Film Blackberry 2023 2024-07-28T06:25:27+00:00 Muhammad Yasim Harahap Muhammad Alfikri <p>Fokus penelitian ini menganalisis&nbsp; pemaknaan semiotika roland barthes yang meliputi makna denotative,konotatif dan mitos yang dirangkum oleh Matthew johnson dalam film Blackberry 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ialah beberapa scene film Blackberry 2023. Hasil penelitian di dapat kesimpulan berupa,makna denotasi yang terdapat dalam film tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa setiap kesepatan itu adalah sebuah jalan kesuksesan walaupun kesempatan tersebut kecil maupun besar dan berlaku juga pada sebuah masalah. Mitos dalam film Blackberry ini cukup jelas di tunjukkan dalam dialog maupun Bahasa nonverbal dalam film tersebut.</p> 2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Implementasi Komunikasi Interpersonal Petugas Kawasan Parawisata Halal di Kawasan Danau Toba di Sumatera Utara 2024-07-28T06:26:01+00:00 Eka Susanti Simalango Anang Anas Azhar <p>This study aims to find out tourists that Lake Toba is designed as one of the halal tourist destinations in Indonesia, but there is rejection among the community, especially tourism managers in the Lake Toba area. Rejection occurs because the community considers it to be contrary to the traditions and culture of the Batak tribe that have existed for generations. The purpose of this study is to find out how much halal tourism is in Lake Toba. The implementation of halal tourism is difficult to find around Lake Toba tourism because the majority are non-Muslims. So for Muslim tourists it is difficult to find halal tourism with places and dishes that are according to Islamic law. For Muslim tourists who travel, many still use the facilities provided as is. Tourists visiting Lake Toba are more Muslim than non-Muslim, but it is very minimal to find halal tourism. The study also showed that effective interpersonal communication involves direct interaction between officers and tourists, with officers providing clear and accurate information about halal services.</p> 2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Strategi Komunikasi Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Pemerintah Kabupaten Dairi Dalam Mensosialisasi Kebersihan di Pasar Sidikalang 2024-07-29T04:24:11+00:00 Ahmad Arya Ardhana Zuhriah Zuhriah <p>The issue of waste cannot be separated from behavior and lifestyle patterns. Increased activity in the market significantly affects the quantity of waste piles in the market environment. This research stems from the finding that a lot of litter is scattered around due to the lack of public awareness about cleanliness. The purpose of this study is to examine the form of awareness and the appropriate communication strategies used to promote cleanliness in the traditional Sidikalang market. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative. Research techniques were conducted through field studies, open interviews, and literature reviews. The communication strategy implemented to raise awareness is carried out simultaneously and continuously, involving all layers of society concerned with waste issues. The communication strategy of the Environmental Agency of the Dairi Regency Government in promoting cleanliness in the traditional Sidikalang market indicates that many traders and the surrounding community are still unaware of cleanliness and the reuse of market waste. There is a lack of environmentally friendly behavior in the market to create a clean and healthy market. Additionally, the government's role in addressing environmental cleanliness issues and providing adequate facilities is still insufficient. This is evidenced by the scattered litter and waste piles</p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Tingkat Kemampuan Digitalisasi Komunikasi Guru Dalam Menyelesaikan Beban Kerja Administrasi di SMP Negeri 1 Pegajahan 2024-07-30T08:30:08+00:00 Dimas Ibrahim Nursapia Harahap <p><em>This study aims to determine the level of communication digitization ability of teachers in completing administrative workload at SMP Negeri 1 Pegajahan. The research method used was qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were applied through in-depth interviews with 10 teachers and participant observation at SMP Negeri 1 Pegajahan. The results showed that the level of communication digitization ability of teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Pegajahan was still relatively low. This can be seen from the fact that many teachers still apply manual methods in completing administrative workloads, such as using paper and pens to write reports and correspondence. In addition, teachers are also still not accustomed to using digital applications to communicate with parents and guardians. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that it is necessary to improve the digitalization communication skills of teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Pegajahan. This can be done through training and workshops on the use of digital applications for administration and communication. In addition, schools also need to provide adequate infrastructure, such as computers and the internet, so that teachers can easily use digital applications.</em></p> 2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analisis Semiotika Pesan Akhlak Dalam Film Kartun Riko the Series Pada Youtube Episeode “Adab Sebelum Ilmu” 2024-08-02T04:06:11+00:00 Safitri Handayani Muhammad Jailani <p>Children are a category of people who are very adaptive to stimuli from the surrounding environment, such as movies and games. However, today many publish video content that displays inappropriate and unpleasant content that can endanger character values in children. This study aims to analyze the form and character message conveyed in the film Riko The Series episode “Adab Before Science” in improving character value education in children. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic technique. The results showed that the film Riko The Series episode “Adab Before Science” conveyed various forms of good character such as gratitude which shows positive behavior as an important part of good character, helping, giving advice, and forgiving each other, as well as bad character such as impoliteness which emphasizes the negative impact of impoliteness and instills the importance of mutual respect, the second is the attitude of irritability which must be avoided because anger teaches will harm ourselves and can damage relationships with others. The third is prejudice, which is an attitude that can undermine the trust of others. Through strong semiotic signs consistent with normative ethical theory, it not only teaches important moral values but also shows their relevance in children's daily lives.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana Korporasi Terhadap Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi 2024-08-02T07:11:24+00:00 Ragil surya Prakasa Husein Husein Delvia Delvia Qhas Karina Salsabila Rahmat Syauqi Alif <p>The development of science and technology and the current unstoppable stream of globalization not only has a positive but also often has a negative impact,for example by the existence of “Crime globalization” and the development of quality (modus operandi) and quantity of criminal acts by corporation.The Problem in this article is How the accountability of corporate criminal law is in theeffort to tackle corruption in the future.The research method used in this article is normative juridical.The result of the study concluded that in the corporate criminal liability policy in the effort to tackle corporate crime in the effort to tackle corruption at the moment there are several weaknesses regarding when corporations commit criminal acts of corruption and criminal sanctions.Therefore for the future criminal responsibility policy of the corporation the explain the provisions and law enforcers can implement it.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana Korporasi Terhadap Tindak Pidana Usaha Penyediaan Listrik Tanpa Izin 2024-08-04T04:45:02+00:00 Ragil Surya Prakasa Dinda Azzahra Putri Mutia Gamawan Fauzi Putri Yaldi Olivia Rizki Eka Putra <p><em>The Republic of Indonesia is a country that is actively developing in various sectors. Several forms and developments in various sectors can be seen now, such as the economic, technological and social sectors and so on. All business entities, both legal entities and non-legal entities, are called corporations. Corporations are subjects of criminal acts. Meanwhile, to be held criminally accountable, a physical form is required. Crimes committed by corporations are very detrimental to society and the state. This study uses a normative legal research type. The data obtained in this study were then analyzed qualitatively, the Descriptive Analysis Method is a research method. Based on the research results, the legal provisions for criminal acts of providing electricity without an operating permit according to Law 30 of 2009 concerning Electricity are regulated in Article 49 paragraph (2) which states that: "Any person who carries out the business of providing electricity without an operating permit as referred to in Article 22 shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum fine of IDR 4,000,000,000 (four billion rupiah)".</em></p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Sampan Leper Sebagai Adaptasi Ekologi Estuari Pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Pekan Arba, Kecamatan Tembilahan, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir 2024-08-03T15:31:51+00:00 Ahmad Maulana T Y Mutia Kahanna Septriani Septriani <p>This research discusses "Sampan Leper as an Adaptation to Estuary Ecology in Pekan Arba Village Community, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province". The aim of this research is to describe the background to the creation of the leper canoe and its function in the lives of the people of Pekan Arba Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province. The theories used in this research are Julian Steward's ecological adaptation theory and Bronislaw Malinowski's functionalism theory. The method used is a qualitative method, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. The results of this research show that leper canoes are a local means of transportation in the Pekan Arba community. Leper canoes were born from the adaptation made by the Pekan Arba people to an environment with an estuarine (tidal) character. The process of community adaptation in creating leper canoes went through several stages, namely, pucai canoes, pucai canoes combined with the shape of the cempakul fish, and until finally in 1985 the people of Pekan Arba succeeded in creating leper canoes. Leper canoes are the answer to all the problems experienced by the people of Pekan Arba regarding their environment and have several functions including ecological functions, economic functions, social functions and cultural functions.</p> 2024-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Pengembangan Ekonomi Berbasis Pariwisata Studi Kasus Waduk Gajah Mungkur 2024-08-18T07:48:53+00:00 Raihan Cris Setyo Ardi Siti Aisyah <table width="624"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="450"> <p><em>A problem often faced by developing countries is the high income inequality among the population. On the other hand, women's empowerment as part of the development strategy has been developed in various literatures and concepts of thought, although its implementation has not been maximized. This study aims to determine the effect of women's empowerment through tourism-based economic development in Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, Wonogiri, Indonesia. This research uses a mixed method that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling from 50 women MSME players who are active in tourism activities at Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale (RETS) with the addition of economic dimensions. The results showed that women's involvement in the tourism sector had a positive impact on increasing income and economic independence. In addition, participation in tourism activities strengthens women's social and political position in the community and increases their confidence and pride in environmental preservation and local cultural heritage.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Improving the Quality of Education in Rural Areas Through Community Service 2024-08-18T08:02:37+00:00 Feriska Listrianti Tomi Apra Santosa Via Yustitia Baktiar Nasution Aat Ruchiat Nugraha Diah Fatma Sjoraida <p><em>The gap in the quality of education between urban and rural areas is still an important issue. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of community service programs in improving the quality of education in rural areas. This research is a type of qualitative research. The research sample consisted of teachers, students and the community. Programs implemented include teacher training, provision of learning resources, and extracurricular activities designed to increase student and community engagement. The results of the study show that the development of community service programs is effective in supporting the improvement of the quality of education in rural areas. These findings support the use of community service as an effective strategy to strengthen education in remote areas and provide recommendations for policymakers to adopt a similar approach in advancing village education.</em></p> 2024-05-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Implementasi Produk Kebijakan Pendaftaran Tanah Aset Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pasaman 2024-08-19T15:53:09+00:00 Nessa Fajriyana Farda Syuryani Syuryani Imron Amirullah Ice Wahyuni Permata Sari <p><em>The government/regional government land asset registration policy is the mandate of Article 43 of Government Regulation Number 27 of 2014 concerning Management of State/Regional Property which states that "State/regional property in the form of land must be certified in the name of the government of the Republic of Indonesia/regional government concerned". However, not all local governments have implemented it optimally. One of them is Pasaman district. This research aims to find out how the Pasaman district government's land asset registration policy is implemented and the obstacles it faces. This research is descriptive in nature and uses an empirical juridical approach. The research results show that the land that has not been certified in Pasaman district is mostly road land assets. Therefore, local governments cannot be separated from problems both internally and externally.</em></p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Meta-Analysis of Work Life Balance Policies and Their Impact on Employee Well Being 2024-08-20T03:52:11+00:00 Jamaluddin Suhardy Sidrotun Na'im St.Hatidja Djunaedi Andi harmoko arifin Yusuf Bahtiar <p><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'MS Mincho'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: RO; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">This study aims to determine the impact of work-life balance policies on employee welfare. Along with the growing awareness of the importance of work-life balance, various policies have been implemented by companies to support the well-being of employees. This study collects and analyzes data from various studies that have been published to evaluate the effectiveness of such policies in improving employee well-being. The results of the analysis show that the work-life balance policy is significantly positively correlated with the improvement of employee welfare, which includes physical, mental, and emotional aspects with a Hedge's effect size value (d) of 0.891 in the high effect size category. In addition, this study also identifies several moderation variables such as the type of industry, the size of the company, and the type of policy that affects the effectiveness of the policy. These findings have practical implications for company management in designing and implementing effective work-life balance policies to support employee welfare</span></p> 2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership: A Review 2024-08-21T13:26:34+00:00 Sidrotun Na'im Feri Irawan Ahamd Zain Sarnoto Windy Dian Sari Elismayanti Rembe Aat Ruchiat Nugraha Eko Nursalim Tomi Apra Santosa Diah Fatma Sjoraida Andi Rahmah <p><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'MS Mincho'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: RO; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Effective leadership is often associated with a variety of competencies and personal characteristics, where emotional intelligence (EI) has been a major focus in the last decade. This study examines the role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership through a comprehensive literature review. Using a systematic approach, we analyzed relevant articles and books from 2022 to 2024, which included theory, empirical research, and case studies on EI and leadership. The results of this review show that EI contributes significantly to effective decision-making, conflict management, and the development of interpersonal relationships in the context of leadership. Furthermore, emotional intelligence allows leaders to be more effective in managing stress and motivating subordinates. These findings underscore the importance of integrating EI training in leadership development programs to improve leadership effectiveness in various sectors. The study proposes several recommendations for leadership practices and future research directions, reinforcing the view that EI is an essential key to successful and sustainable leadership</span></p> 2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Legal Force of Deeds of Sale and Purchase of Land And Buildings That Are Not Signed by the Seller 2024-08-24T01:12:05+00:00 Deviyanti Deviyanti Andi Sri Rezky Wulandari <p><em>This research uses a juridical approach, normative is a research method that focuses on the analysis of legal norms, statutory regulations and court decisions that are relevant to answering the legal problems faced. In this context, normative research will be used to analyze court decisions that are relevant to the topic under study. The results of this research show that the legal force of the Deed of sale and purchase of land and buildings which is not signed by the seller is that the Deed of Sale and Purchase of land and buildings must be signed by both parties, the seller and the buyer, to have legal force. In accordance with Article 37 Paragraphs (1) and (2) Government Regulation no. 24 of 1997, without the seller's signature, the deed cannot be used as a basis for registering changes to land rights at the land office. Sale and purchase transactions that do not meet these formal requirements can result in the sale and purchase deed being invalid, even though the transaction can remain valid on the basis of good intentions and payments that have been made. by the seller of Makassar District Court decision No.5/Pdt.G/2023/PN/Makassar is In case Number 5/Pdt.G/2023/PN/Makassar, the judge showed thoroughness in evaluating the evidence and considering all relevant legal elements. The judge ensures justice for the Plaintiff and determines the procedures that must be followed to correct the situation that is detrimental to the Plaintiff, reflecting the appropriate and comprehensive application of the law in this case.</em></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Meta-Analysis of the Impact of International Financial Reporting Standard ( IFRS) on Financial Quality 2024-08-26T13:14:13+00:00 Andi Harmoko Arifin <p><em>This study aims to conduct a meta-analysis of the impact of the implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) on the quality of financial statements. Through the collection of data from various studies that have been conducted previously, this study integrates empirical results to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of IFRS on the transparency, accuracy, and reliability of financial statements. This study identified, assessed, and synthesized findings from 12 selected studies from the period 2022 to 2024. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of IFRS significantly improves the quality of financial statements with a Hedge's (d) value of 1,082 in the high effect size category. This effect is especially strong in countries with high levels of financial supervision and strong legal systems. These findings provide evidence to support the implementation of IFRS as an effective global standardization tool in improving the quality and reliability of financial statements internationally. The study also discusses the implications of the findings for regulators, practitioners, and users of financial statements and presents recommendations for further research.</em></p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Legal and Ethical Implications of Surveillance in Criminal Law: A Literatur Review 2024-08-27T12:26:37+00:00 Andi Cakra Cindrapole Siti Rosmini <p><em>This study investigates the legal and ethical implications of the use of surveillance technology in criminal law through a comprehensive literature review. With the increasing capacity of technologies such as CCTV, digital surveillance, and the use of big data, important questions arise regarding the balance between security and personal rights. The study analyzes a variety of sources from journal articles, court rulings, and policy documents to identify key issues faced by legal practitioners and policymakers. The results of this review show that there is an intense debate between the need for security and the protection of individual privacy. The study also explores how different jurisdictions are responding to these challenges and proposes a framework to ensure that the use of surveillance technology remains accountable and transparent. This literature review aims to provide in-depth insight into the emerging complexities at the intersection of technology, ethics, and criminal law, while offering guidance for legal professionals in formulating ethical and effective strategies for addressing crime.</em></p> 2024-08-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Essence f Theo Application of Legal Justice to The Systematics of Land Registration According to Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 2024-08-31T03:35:40+00:00 Muh Reza Zulfikar Habiba Habiba <p><em>This study aims to explore the principles of legal justice that should be applied in the land registration process in Indonesia by analyzing that according to Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 can succeed in creating a fair system for all parties. Through a qualitative approach with normative analysis, this study outlines various aspects of justice that should be reflected in the law. The results of the research, creating a fair and equitable land registration system, there are still various technical, administrative, and social obstacles that hinder the realization of the optimal application of the principle of justice. Conclusion in terms of land registration policies and practices to ensure that legal justice can be realized more effectively and equitably for all Indonesia people.</em></p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Translation Techniques in the Translation of Figurative Languange in “It Ends with Us” 2024-08-31T03:36:39+00:00 Nuril Adila Evert H. Hilman <p>This research is aimed to find out the translation strategies used in the translation of figurative language items in the novel “It Ends with Us” by Colleen Hoover and its translated version “Akhir di Antara Kita.” This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, utilizing purposive sampling. Chesterman’s “Memes of Translation” is the main theory and also some other related theories utilized to analyse the data. The researcher focuses on three kinds of figurative language which were similes, metaphors and idiomatic pharasal verb. From 6 data, it is found that there were 2 similes, 2 metaphors, and 2 phrasal verb.&nbsp; The most translation technique that researcher found is Trope Change.</p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Penerapan Sanksi Admnistrasi Terhadap Bangunan Liar di Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kawasan Perumahan di Kota Payakumbuh 2024-08-31T04:11:13+00:00 Benny Eka Putra Edi Haskar Zuhdi Arman <p>Green Open Space (RTH) is a part of the city that has no buildings or as few building elements as possible, consisting of natural elements and built elements that function to improve environmental quality. According to the Regulation of the Ministry of Public Works Number 5 of 2008 concerning Guidelines for the Provision of Green Open Space in Urban Areas, each city is required to provide a minimum of 30% of the total city area. There are two types of green spaces, namely public and private green spaces. The research focuses on private RTH where there are often violations committed by developers of residential areas by erecting illegal buildings in the form of housing units categorized as illegal buildings. Illegal buildings are buildings that do not meet the land use and suitability of buildings built in a location. Violations of local regulations related to illegal buildings in RTH still occur in Payakumbuh City. The purpose of this research is to find out how the application of administrative sanctions against violations that occur and analyze the obstacles in the application of these regulations. This research is descriptive using an empirical juridical approach. The results showed that the application of administrative sanctions against violations of local regulations related to illegal buildings in RTH in Payakumbuh City was at a low level. This is caused by several factors so that more commitment is needed from Payakumbuh City stakeholders to the application of administrative sanctions against violators of local regulations related to illegal buildings in RTH in Payakumbuh City.</p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Meta-Analysis Problem Based Learning on Students' Problem-Solving Skills in Higher Education 2024-09-05T09:15:57+00:00 Theodore Alexander Atmaja Tomi Apra Santosa Bayu Purbha Sakti Via Yustitia Andri Kurniawan Meriyati Meriyati Makhrus Ali <p><em>This study aims to determine the influence of problem-based learning on the problem- solving ability of students in higher education. This type of research is a quantitative research with a meta-analysis approach. The sample of this study comes from the analysis of 12 national and international journals published in 2023-2024. The data source was taken from the Google Scholar, ERIC and Mendeley databases. The sampling technique is direct observation through a journal database. Data analysis is a quantitative analysis with the help of the STATA application. The results of this study show that there is a significant influence of the problem-based learning model on the problem-solving ability of students in higher education with ES = 1,014; z = 9.013 with a high effecrt size category. These findings show that the problem-based learning model is very effective in being applied by lecturers in the learning process in higher education</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Empowerment of Enrekang Coffee Farmers: Innovation of Coffee Skin Waste Into an Alternative Fermentation Feed Through Counseling Approach 2024-09-07T02:01:34+00:00 M Yunus Sudirman Ekajayanti Kining Muh Achyar Ardat Suharman Suharman Rista Astari Rusdin Nur Astin <p><em>This research focuses on empowering coffee farmers in Enrekang Regency through transforming coffee husk waste into alternative fermented feed, using a counseling approach. Coffee husk waste is a common environmental problem in coffee producing areas, but has great potential to be processed into value-added products. A counseling approach is used to assist farmers in understanding the fermentation process, overcoming challenges, and improving their technical skills. The methods applied include direct training, ongoing assistance, and evaluation of the application of fermentation technology. The research results show that the counseling approach significantly increases farmers' knowledge and skills in processing coffee husk waste into fermented feed. The fermented feed produced is proven to have good nutritional quality and can be used as an economical and environmentally friendly alternative feed for livestock. Farmers involved in this program report increased income and reduced environmental problems caused by coffee husk waste. In conclusion, the counseling approach in empowering coffee farmers is not only effective in overcoming the problem of agricultural waste, but also contributes to improving farmer welfare through technological innovation. This research recommends expanding similar programs to other coffee producing regions to improve agricultural sustainability and farmer welfare in general.</em></p> 2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Review of the Criminal Law on the Distribution of Pharmaceutical Sedatives According to Law. No. 17 of 2023 Concerning Selective Health 2024-09-21T00:09:45+00:00 Muhammad Faisal Amelia Arief <p><em>This study aims to analyze the crime of illegal pharmaceutical preparation circulation according to Law No. 17 of 2023 concerning Health. The circulation of unlicensed pharmaceutical preparations is a serious threat to public health and has the potential to cause significant health impacts. In this study, a normative approach is used to review relevant laws and regulations, especially the provisions in Law No. 17 of 2023 which regulates criminal sanctions for these violations. The study also discusses the role of law enforcement in eradicating the circulation of illegal pharmaceutical preparations and the challenges faced in law enforcement. The results of the study show that although regulations have been tightened, implementation in the field still encounters various obstacles, such as weak coordination between institutions and limited resources. This study recommends increased supervision, more effective law enforcement, and education to the public about the dangers of using illegal pharmaceutical preparations.</em></p> 2024-09-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Integrating Technology in Islamic Religious Education: Echaning Engagement and Learning Outcomes 2024-09-25T15:32:25+00:00 Mohammad Ali Mahmudi <p><em>This study aims to explore the impact of technology integration in Islamic Religious Education learning on student engagement and learning outcomes. Along with the development of digital technology, educators are challenged to apply more interactive and adaptive learning methods. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method in several schools that have implemented technology in Islamic Religious Education classes. Data was collected through classroom observations, interviews with teachers, and questionnaires to students. The results show that the use of technology, such as learning videos, interactive apps, and e-learning platforms, significantly increases student engagement in the learning process. In addition, there is an increase in student learning outcomes, especially in terms of material understanding and critical thinking skills. This study recommends that technology be more integrated in the Islamic Religious Education curriculum to maximize a more interesting and effective learning experience.</em></p> 2024-09-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Impact of Financial Technology Small and Medium Enterprises : A Comparative Analysis 2024-09-29T01:03:40+00:00 Walla Astianty Putri Jamalus Jamalus Joko Rianto <p><em>The rapid evolution of Financial Technology (FinTech) has significantly reshaped the landscape of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This comparative study examines the impact of FinTech adoption on the growth, operational efficiency, and financial performance of SMEs across different sectors. By analyzing data from various industries, the study highlights the key areas where FinTech has accelerated business processes, enhanced financial inclusion, and increased access to funding. The research further explores challenges faced by SMEs in integrating FinTech solutions, including regulatory hurdles and technological readiness. The findings provide insights into the comparative advantages FinTech brings to SMEs in developed versus developing economies, suggesting policy recommendations to foster FinTech adoption and support SME growth. The results underscore the critical role of FinTech in transforming SMEs into more agile and competitive market players in the global economy.</em></p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Influence of languange Policy on Indonesian Languange in Secondary School and Teacher Perception 2024-10-01T05:38:46+00:00 Yohanis Hakubun Marlen Wariunsora <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of language policy on Indonesian language teaching in secondary schools and teachers' perception of the policy. Language policy plays an important role in shaping the curriculum and teaching methods, especially in Indonesian subjects which have a central role in the formation of national identity. This research method uses a qualitative approach. by combining surveys and in-depth interviews to explore teachers' views on language policy and its application in daily learning. The results showed that most teachers responded positively to the policy, despite challenges in implementation, such as a lack of training and resources. These findings provide important insights for policymakers to improve language policies and provide better support for teachers in implementing these policies.</em></p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Economic Impact of Eko-Gastronomy in Bangli: A Multidisciplinary Analysis 2024-09-29T10:58:16+00:00 Bondan Pambudi Willy Arafaf I Made Sudjana Rahmat Ingkadijaya <p><em>This study examines the economic impact of eco-gastronomy in Bangli Regency, focusing on tourism revenue, job creation, and infrastructure investment through Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) and stakeholder interviews. Findings reveal that tourism revenue is the dominant factor driving local economic growth, influencing job opportunities and investment in infrastructure. However, challenges such as economic inequality, the dominance of large asset holders, and mismanagement of infrastructure hinder the sector’s full potential. While eco-gastronomy offers significant opportunities for enhancing local economic welfare, there is a need for improved governance, equitable benefit distribution, and sustainable management practices. Recommendations for future development emphasize fair, transparent policies, and targeted investments to ensure eco-gastronomy contributes to long-term sustainable growth and local community prosperity. Future research should adopt a multidisciplinary approach, involving marginalized communities, and focus on long-term socioeconomic and environmental impacts.</em></p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal The Impact of Social Media Communication on Youth Identity Formation: A Cross-Cultural Analysis 2024-10-03T13:52:01+00:00 Aat Ruchiat Nugraha Diah Fatma Sjoraida Elismayanti Rembe Bucky Wibawa Karya Guna Asrul Sani Suhardi Suhardi Arie Fitria <p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of social media communication on the formation of adolescent identity from a cross-cultural perspective. Using cross-cultural analysis methods, this study investigates how adolescents from different countries and cultures interact with social media and how those interactions affect the formation of their identities. The results of the study show that social media plays an important role as an important space for adolescents to uncover, express, and negotiate their cultural identity. Social media platforms provide access to a wide range of cultural expressions, allowing for the blending and transformation of traditional and modern cultural elements. However, research also shows that the influence of social media can lead to cultural homogenization and the potential loss of unique local cultural identities. In addition, the study also found that social media use can influence teens by offering a sense of community and membership, as well as facilitating connections with like-minded friends globally.</em></p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Analysis of Community Participation in the Development of Dolli Tourism Village, Tukamasea Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency 2024-10-04T12:51:55+00:00 Rahmaniar Rahmaniar Edison Edison <p>Community involvement in the development of the Dolli Tukamasea Tourism Village, located in Tukamasea Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, is a crucial component in efforts to achieve sustainable development. This study aims to assess the extent of community participation in the development of the Dolli Tukamasea Tourism Village. A descriptive qualitative method is employed, utilizing both primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. The theoretical framework is based on Josef Riwu Kaho's (2007:127) model of community participation, which encompasses four types of participation: (1) Participation in decision-making, (2) Participation in implementation, (3) Participation in evaluation, and (4) Participation in benefit-sharing. The findings of the study indicate that community participation in the development of the Dolli Tukamasea Tourism Village is highly effective. Firstly, participation in decision-making is conducted through deliberative processes where community members share their opinions and input on program decisions related to the village's development. Secondly, participation in implementation involves the active engagement of all community members in the development efforts. Thirdly, participation in evaluation is evident as the community collectively strives to innovate and assume responsibility for the village's progress. Lastly, participation in benefit-sharing is realized as the economic benefits of the tourism village are felt by the local community, contributing positively to their livelihoods.</p> 2024-10-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Nonverbal Communication, Interpersonal Relationships, Gestures, Postures, Proxemics. 2024-10-06T13:49:35+00:00 Diah Fatma Sjoraida Aat Ruchiat Nugraha Bucky Wibawa Karya Guna Makhrus Ali Andi Harmoko Arifin Anton PW Nomleni Hendrik Hendrik Daniel Pasaribu <p><em>This study aims to explore the role of nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships, with a focus on gestures, postures, and proxemics (physical distance between individuals). Nonverbal communication, which includes body movements, body language, as well as the use of personal space, has a significant impact on the understanding and dynamics of relationships between individuals. The study uses observation and in-depth interview methods to identify patterns of nonverbal communication in daily interactions. The results showed that gestures, postures, and proxemics can affect the way people respond to and understand each other, thereby strengthening or weakening interpersonal relationships. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the importance of nonverbal elements in building effective and harmonious communication in various social contexts.</em></p> 2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal Legal Analysis of Land Use Rights (Case Study in Takalar Regency) 2024-10-09T01:48:00+00:00 Syamsul Rijal Asriati Asriati <p><em>This study aims to analyze the legal aspects related to land use rights in Takalar Regency. Land use rights are a form of right given to individuals or legal entities to utilize land that does not belong to them, with certain time and use restrictions regulated in the law. This study uses an empirical juridical approach, which combines the study of applicable laws and regulations with field data collected through interviews and observations. The results of the study show that there are several problems in the implementation of land use rights in Takalar Regency, such as the lack of public understanding of the regulations governing land use rights, as well as the overlap of land use that causes legal disputes. This study concludes that more intensive socialization from the government is needed and improvement of the supervision mechanism to avoid abuse of land use rights. Thus, this research is expected to contribute to efforts to improve the regulation and implementation of land use rights in Indonesia, especially in Takalar Regency.</em></p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 eScience Humanity Journal