Ritual dan Eksistensi Ekologis: Kajian Ekokritik Terhadap Tradisi Lisan Dalam Ritual Ceriak Nerang Suku Jerieng
https://doi.org/10.37296/esci.v5i1.187Kata Kunci:
Ecological, Oral Tradition, Jerieng, Sustainable, Ritual, Ceriak Nerang.Abstrak
This research aims to analyze the ecological existence of oral traditions in the Ceriak Nerang ritual of the Jerieng Tribe, Simpang Teritip District, West Bangka. In Kundi Bersatu village, West Bangka, the Ceriak Nerang ritual by Jerieng tribe held. Therefore, the continuity and the preservation of this ritual is part the oral tradition role and explains the ecological role in the life of the Jerieng tribe. This research use qualitative descriptive method in focus of data from references study, journal, magazine, and online media based in the analysis involved. The results of this study are to provide an overview or description related to the fact, and the relation of the phenomena occur. The used of oral tradition as orally in form of stories and historical is the basic line of Ceriak Nerang ritual until the present day nd plays an important role in environmental sustainability.
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