Enhancing English Language Teaching through 21st-Century Competence: Insights from All Male Instructional Design Class


  • Hilma Pami Putri Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi




Instructional Design, Critical Thinking, Problem-solving, Collaboration, Creativity


As the world becomes more interconnected, the ability to swiftly adapt to changes has never been more crucial. Consequently, the Indonesian government has proposed that all educational institutions promote 21st-century competencies in every subject, including English lessons. In language teaching classes, preservice teachers must evolve to meet the demands of future competencies, which are essential for participating in global commerce, diplomacy, and multicultural societies. These competencies include critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication. This study aims to investigate how preservice teachers conceptualize these competencies and the strategies they use to enhance language teaching. The data was gathered from male students enrolled in an Instructional Design Class who received material on 21st-century skills. The findings reveal that all male instructional designers meet the demands of future competencies and are actively incorporating strategies to develop these skills in their language teaching practices. These strategies include integrating technology, promoting a scientific approach, and preparing for the demands of an interconnected, globalized world. However, there is still a need to focus on effective teaching techniques to achieve the desired learning outcomes in language education. This study highlights the importance of continuous adaptation and innovation in teaching methodologies to equip students with the necessary skills for the future.


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Alsaleh, N. J. (2020). Teaching Critical Thinking Skills: Literature Review. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 19(1), 21-39. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 19(1), 21-.

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Association., N. E. (2012). Preparing 21st century students for a global society: An educator’s guide to the “Four Cs”. Alexandria, VA: National Education Association.

Bell, C. A., Wilson, S., Higgins, T., & McCoach, and D. B. (2010). No TitleMeasuring the Effects of Professional Development on Teacher Knowledge: The Case of Developing Mathematical Ideas. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Volume 41: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5951/jresematheduc.41.5.0479

Creswell, J. W., Columbus, B., New, I., San, Y., Upper, F., River, S., Cape, A., Dubai, T., Madrid, L., Munich, M., Montreal, P., Delhi, T., Sao, M. C., Sydney, P., Kong, H., Singapore, S., & Tokyo, T. (2012). Planning, Conducting, and Eva I uati ng Quantitative and Qua I itative Research FIFTH EDITION. Pearson Education.

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Johnson, S., Winch, C., & Siegel, H. (2010). Teaching thinking skills. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Lemke, J. L. (2003). Mathematics in the middle: Measure, picture, gesture, sign, and word. Educational Perspectives on Mathematics as Semiosis: From Thinking to Interpreting to Knowing, 1–14. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED430792%5Cnhttp://www.jaylemke.com/storage/Math-in-the-Middle-2002.pdf

Michaels, R., Roshandel, S., Truesdell, E., & Urbani, J. M. (2015). Developing and assessing 21st-century skills across teacher education programs. California Council on Teacher Education Newsletter.

Nofrion, N. (2018). Panduan Pelaksanaan Model Pembelajaran Exo Olo Task (Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi (Hots) Dalam Pembelajaran). https://doi.org/10.31227/osf.io/wh2mp

Raj, T., Chauhan, P., Mehrotra, R., & Sharma, M. (2022). Importance of Critical Thinking in the Education. World Journal of English Language, 12(3), 126–133. https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n3p126

Rotherham, A., & Willingham, D. (2009). “. (2009). 21st century” skills: Not new, but a worthy chal_lenge. Educational Leadership, 1.

Saputri, Septiana. S & Aminatun, T. 2020. (2020). The Importance of Improving Collaboration Skill in Confront an Earthquake with Mitigation Learning: A Content Analysis. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research., 541.

Sholihah, U. (2017). Project based learning to improve students’ writing capability.

Silva, E. (2009). Measuring Skills for 21st-Century Learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(9). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/003172170909000905

Sternberg, R. (2007). Creativity as a habit. In Creativity: A handbook for teachers (pp. 3-25). In Creativity: A Handbook for Teachers.

Suryadinata, L., E. N. A. & A. A. (2003). Indonesia’s Population: Ethnicity and Religion in a Changing Political Landscape. Singapore: ISEAS [Institute of South East Asian Studies].

Szobiova, E. (2006). The five personality dimensions in relation to creative thinking of adolescents. Studia Psychologica, 48(3), 241.




How to Cite

Putri, H. P. (2024). Enhancing English Language Teaching through 21st-Century Competence: Insights from All Male Instructional Design Class. EScience Humanity Journal, 4(2), 260-270. https://doi.org/10.37296/esci.v4i2.130



eScience Humanity Journal Volume 4 Number 2 may 2024