INDONESIA2024-08-28T07:21:05+00:00Tomi Arianto, S.S., M.A.jurnal@idebahasa.or.idOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal PUAN INDONESIA (Pengabdian Untuk Anak Negeri) Indonesia merupakan wadah untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat dari berbagai disiplin ilmu dalam bentuk Jurnal ilmiah dan Open Accessed System. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Asosiasi Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra se Kepulauan Riau (Idebahasa Kepri).</p> <p>Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di Jurnal Puan Indonesia meliputi hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah asli, artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat baru, atau komentar atau kritik terhadap tulisan yang ada dimuat di OJS system Jurnal Puan Indonesia maupun dalam terbitan berkala ilmiah lainnya. Jurnal Puan Indonesia menerima manuskrip atau naskah artikel dalam bidang riset terapan dan pengabdian masyarakat yang mencakup bidang keilmuan yang relevan dengan: sosial, kependidikan, sains, keolahragaan, bahasa, bisnis dan ekonomi dari berbagai kalangan akademisi dan peneliti baik nasional maupun internasional.</p> Pengenalan American English dan British English kepada Siswa/i SMA di Kota Batam2024-07-15T12:05:13+00:00Ambalegin Ambaleginabhi140475@gmail.comNurma Dhona<p>A required and significant subject that high school pupils need to be proficient in is English. English puts more of an emphasis on communication skills than just providing the knowledge needed to pass a written exam. This makes students forget after that because the purpose of learning English is only to complete assignments rather than gaining communication skills. This training trains how to pronounce English words in American and British English. The training, which was attended by 104 participants, was carried out at SMA Putra Batam, SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Batam, SMAN 20 Batam, SMAN 25 Batam, and SMAN 15 Batam from November 2023 to January 2024. Service learning with models of lectures, discussions, and practice doing was the method. During the oral pre-test, 35 (33%) participants were able to pronounce the phoneme sounds in both American and British English. Then, from the oral post-test, 88 (84%) participants were able to pronounce the same phonemes in both English versions. 53 (51%) participants saw an improvement in their skills after training</p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Desain Branding Untuk Membentuk Identitas Visual Bagi Siswa Sekolah Janji Baik2024-07-15T13:07:53+00:00I Gusti Ayu Agung Aristi Putriaristiputri28@gmail.comArief Fiky Dibanu Khaer<p><em>Janji Baik School is a free digital-based school in South Tangerang, that provides education for economically disadvantaged children. One issue faced by students is the lack of hard and soft skills. To address this, the Visual Communication Design Program of Media Nusantara Citra University organized a branding design training program for Janji Baik School students to enhance their knowledge and skills.</em><em>This community service activity used a qualitative approach with participatory methods. Implementation stages included preparing training materials, presenting branding design concepts, practical use of the Canva application, and creating group-based branding design projects. Evaluation was done through assessment of student work, monitoring of implementation, and documentation of results.</em><em>The training results showed improved student understanding and skills in branding design. Students were able to create creative visual identities in line with design principles. The participatory approach and direct guidance from facilitators increased interaction and active student involvement. With these design skills, students can create strong visual identities and enhance their competitiveness in the business world.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA dan Pendampingan Pendaftaran Merek Produk bagi Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Batam2024-07-15T12:03:23+00:00Nanda Prakasa Novia<p><em>Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) serve as legal protection for the creative and innovative rights held by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). However, awareness and understanding of the importance of IPR registration remain low among MSMEs, who perceive the process as complex and challenging. The aim of this activity is to provide better understanding to MSMEs in Batam regarding the importance of IPR in safeguarding their products and enhancing their skills in using IPR registration applications provided by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The community engagement approach is utilized in this research. Socialization on the importance of IPR for MSMEs is conducted, along with direct assistance in the IPR registration process, particularly for product trademarks, through applications provided by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property. This activity demonstrates an improvement in understanding and skills among MSMEs in Batam regarding IPR. Training participants experience enhanced comprehension of IPR registration mechanisms and are able to confidently use relevant applications. Through community engagement, it can be concluded that socialization and direct assistance in IPR registration can help raise awareness and skills among MSMEs in protecting their intellectual property rights. These measures are crucial to ensure adequate protection of innovation and creativity at the MSME level, which in turn can support economic growth and sustainable development.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Kerja Nyata Menjunjung Tinggi Nilai Kearifan Lokal Menuju Nagari Berkemajuan2024-07-15T13:05:16+00:00Eddi NovraEddinovra01@gmail.comRiko<p><em>This article discusses service activities carried out by KKN Implementing Agency Lecturers and Field Supervisors who collaborate to provide community service in the form of providing provision, training and empowerment to KKN students in order to contribute to the community in North Lintau Buo District. This activity has the theme Real Work Lectures Upholding the Value of Local Wisdom Towards a Progressive Nagari. The future achievement is that this service activity in the form of KKN can provide benefits to the surrounding community through the cross-study knowledge that students have obtained and then apply it for 40 days in the field.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Anti Kekerasan Seksual dan Perundungan (Bullying) pada Siswa SMK X Kota Batam2024-07-15T13:01:14+00:00Herdianti Yustisi<p><em>Prevention of sexual violence is an important program that every school must have. The ideal prevention program is a program that is initiated from below, namely from the hopes of all students, teachers and all stakeholders. Bullying is a loan word from English. Bullying comes from the word bully which means bully, someone who bullies weak people. Based on the proliferation of bullying cases in educational institutions in Indonesia, especially in the school environment, the author determines the location for outreach related to bullying behavior at the educational level. The service activity aims to develop a school-based sexual violence and bullying prevention program with stages focus group discussion (FGD) and campaigns to prevent sexual violence and bullying. This activity was held on Wednesday, February 14 2024, and will be attended by students from X High School, Batam City. The aim of this activity is to provide a preventive impact on students so that sexual violence and bullying behavior does not occur in the school, family or community environment. The results of the FGD show that most students have sufficient knowledge about sexual violence. They associate sexual violence with sexual activity, while non-sexual behavior is considered unrelated to sexual violence. Many students have been victims or witnesses of sexual violence at school, home and public places. Students recommended that sexual assault prevention programs focus on students' needs and perspectives. The next step is to develop a school-based sexual violence prevention program based on student input.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Aplikasi Akuntansi Berbasis Android untuk Meningkatkan Administrasi Keuangan pada UMKM Kedai Waramen2024-07-15T11:52:07+00:00Maharani Sasmitha Ningrummaharanisasmitha@gmail.comPrisila Damayantyprisild@rocketmail.comSiti Nurhayatisitiinurhayati17@gmail.comHuzaimah Al-Faruqhuzaiaja77@gmail.comAhmad Musyaddad<p>The reason why MSMEs do not develop easily is because the accounting records of these MSMEs are weak. One of the factors is that MSME owners do not think about financial management and recording issues. Registered Financial Management Institutions will be able to help manage finances well. Some MSMEs believe that without accounting, their business can run smoothly and make a profit. This makes finances unclear and there will be losses and makes it difficult for MSMEs to find out their business capital.</p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Memanfaatkan Teknologi Internet Untuk Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini2024-07-15T12:04:21+00:00Rika Harmanrika.harman@gmail.comAmrizalemirerizal@gmail.comDarmansahdarmansah071@gmail.comSasa Ani Arnomo<pre style="text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif;">Currently, the world of information and communication technology is developing rapidly. There are many platforms and facilities available so that people can use the media whenever they want. Information technology has entered various fields, such as offices, education, arts, and many more. In the field of education, technology can be used in various ways, from creating learning media, learning processes, to presenting lesson material. we just need to choose which technology to use. However, new problems arise for many teachers because they cannot utilize this learning media. Because they continue to use traditional and old approaches to create learning media, the resulting material will be uninteresting and seem boring. Plus, today's students are more focused on what they see. If there is a special attraction, students will learn more. This training aims to educate PAUD teachers on how to use the internet as a learning resource for their students. The material that will be presented can be in the form of recognizing letters, recognizing numbers, recognizing animals, recognizing plants and much more. The results of this training provide new knowledge to PAUD teachers to create teaching materials quickly and easily using various platforms that can be accessed using the internet network. Then Improve the quality of teaching—ECD teachers who gain knowledge and skills through this training have the ability to improve the quality of their teaching, develop innovative learning strategies, and create more interesting and interactive learning experiences for children.</span></em></pre>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Materi Teknologi Augmented Reality Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Siswa di SMK TI Pembangunan Kota Cimahi2024-07-15T12:02:22+00:00Tati Heriyadi iqbalheriyadi.rplb@gmail.comMuhammad Apipudin Safaat mapipsans@gmail.comSela<p><em>As technological developments continue to evolve, the opportunity to integrate augmented reality into the educational curriculum makes learning more enjoyable. Observation results reveal that SMK IT Development students have never received Augmented Reality technology material, despite their high enthusiasm for it. Regarding the issue, the team proposed providing Augmented Reality material to students in training. The purpose of the training is to inform the participants about Augmented Reality. The course of PkM activities consists of four main activities: preparation, observation, implementation of activities, and reporting. The results of the training activities showed the participants very good responses and enthusiasm shown by their activity during the course of the activity. With the positive response from the excellent school, the school hopes this activity will be held continuously and carried out for more than one day. Augmented Reality material is a new material learned by the participants, so attract their curiosity to learn it. The evaluation results for further improvements in training activities are training materials developed for broader language topics with longer durations, such as Augmented Reality implementation materials on mobile device platforms</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Tentang Bahaya Pestisida Pada Petani2024-07-15T13:01:55+00:00M<p><em>Pesticides are the synthesis of a mixture of chemicals that function to eradicate pest organisms (pests/weeds), reduce pest populations, and control disease, so that widespread attacks can be prevented. However, in practice pesticides cause side effects that are detrimental to humans and the surrounding environment. For humans, pesticides can cause irritation to the membranes of the eyes and skin, and various other impacts. Pesticides contain dangerous chemicals, so appropriate procedures are required to ensure they are not dangerous to use. This service method uses an extension method preceded by filling out a questionnaire as a tool to measure farmers' level of knowledge before providing extension. The activity continued with education about the dangers of pesticides and an introduction to the use of complete personal protective equipment (PPE). The results of the initial questionnaire filling show that farmers' knowledge of the dangers of pesticides is still low, and the use of PPE when working with pesticides is incomplete. These results are then followed up with the implementation of counseling. After the counseling was carried out, it was followed by a discussion session with farmers about knowledge and good use of PPE. Based on the results of this service activity, it can be concluded that one way to increase farmers' knowledge is by conducting outreach. With this increase in knowledge, it is hoped that the incidence of health problems due to pesticide exposure for farmers in the future can be reduced significantly.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Wirausaha Bagi Remaja dan Ibu-Ibu Majlis Taklim Al-Muslimah Kelurahan Tembesi Kota Batam2024-07-15T12:34:07+00:00Ukas Permata<p><em>The material provided in this coaching is divided into 2 groups, namely the legal group and the business group aimed at "Teenagers/Young Generation", and Ms. Majlis Taklim Al-Muslimah, especially Majlis taklim, Rexvin Boulevad Housing, Tembesi Village, Batam City. in the legal group is to provide an introduction and/or understanding regarding the understanding of regulations relating to trade and other businesses, because after all, in the future they will be the next generation of religious, national and state leaders, especially to the younger generation. And mothers as motivators in building home businesses ladder. So that it will be better in the future, from an early age, we will be given an understanding of the legal rules that exist among the people of the nation and state, with the hope that with this kind of education, teenagers and women in the council will better understand and implement them, in their business activities and/or in the business world. Brief education and/or coaching like this can be understood, the training material given to business groups is to provide an introduction and/or understanding as well as inviting teenagers/young generations and mothers of taklim councils, especially for majlis planning in developing their business talents, to understand the importance to live independently in the future, of course, understand how to do good work, be honest and fair, and understand how development goes.</em></p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Digital Marketing Sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Jiwa Entrepreneur Pada Siswa SMKS Penerbangan SPN Dirgantara Batam2024-07-15T13:09:27+00:00Yulia Yuliayuliaedwar2407@gmail.comDiamon Sembiringdiamonsembiring.ywp@gmail.comResti Butar Butarresti.stikarbatam@gmail.comVery<p><em>Digital marketing is the process of marketing and promoting a brand, product or service which is carried out using digital media and requires an internet network for its activities. Digital marketing is a new way for a company or businessman to reach consumers. To carry out digital marketing activities, you need an entrepreneur. The term entrepreneur is no longer foreign to today's technology-based world. An entrepreneur is an individual who can create a new business, is willing to bear most of the risks, and in return can enjoy most of the profits. The process of setting up an entrepreneur's business is called entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship. Students can access a wider audience by using digital marketing tools and students can reach a wider and global audience. By using online platforms, entrepreneurs can reach potential customers from various locations. The aim of this service activity is </em><em>as the way to Improve the Enterpreuneur Spirit of SMKS Penerbangan SPN Dirgantara Students. </em><em>The benefits obtained by students from service activities are that students can apply cost efficiency in product promotion, students can create interesting personal content from the product brands they design, students can think systematically and have entrepreneurship skills and students are able to adapt to the external environment.</em></p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA dan Pembimbingan Kaizen Manajemen di SMK N 6 Batam2024-07-15T12:21:03+00:00Meylia Vivi Putrimeyliaviviputri@gmail.comKhoerun Nisa<p><em>Pendidikan kejuruan memiliki peran strategis dalam mencetak sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan siap menghadapi dinamika industri yang terus berkembang. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan konseling dan pembimbingan dalam penerapan kaizen management di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dimulai dengan tahap pembuatan proposal, dilanjutkan dengan survei dan peninjauan lokasi setelah itu melakukan wawancara, kemudian dilakukan tahapan mengidentifikasi permasalahan mitra dan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan peralatan untuk pelatihan dan pembimbingan, setelah itu dilakukan pelaksanaan kegiatan. Pada tahap wawancara ditemukan permasalahan perlunya memperkenalkan prinsip-prinsip yang berlaku di dunia kerja/industri kepada siswa untuk memperkaya pengetahuan siswa sebelum memasuki dunia kerja, akhirnya disepakati untuk dilaksanakan pemberian materi terkait kaizen manajemen untuk memperkenalkan salah satu prinsip dasar yang digunakan di dunia industry. Prinsip Kaizen itu sendiri sudah banyak diterapkan pada perusahaan. Dengan memahami prinsip-prinsip Kaizen Manajemen, siswa akan memiliki bekal untuk berkontribusi dalam upaya perbaikan berkelanjutan di tempat kerja mereka nantinya. Kaizen itu sendiri merupakan filosofi manajemen berkelanjutan yang berfokus pada perbaikan terus-menerus. Pengabdian ini melibatkan kolaborasi antara dosen, tenaga pengajar/guru, dan siswa SMK. Sebelum memulai kegiatan tim PKM membagikan kuisioner yang harus diisi oleh peserta pelatihan. Pertanyaan ini digunakan untuk melihat pemahaman peserta terlebih dahulu terkait topik kaizen. Setelah itu baru dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan pelatihan dan pembimbingan. Setelah kegiatan pelatihan dan pembimbingan selesai, dilanjutkan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner post test. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengukur seberapa pemahaman peserta terkait materi yang telah disampaikan. Berdasarkan hasil Hasil analisis pre-test dan post-test terlihat adanya dampak positif. Sebelum mengikuti sosialisasi, nilai rata-rata pengetahuan peserta sebesar 2,150, sedangkan setelah sosialisasi rata-rata nilai peserta post-tes sebesar 4,552. Artinya terdapat peningkatan pemahaman sebesar 2,402 poin atau 111,7% yang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap prinsip Kaizen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi sudah efektif sesuai dengan tujuan kegiatan.</em></p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Sablon Baju Digital Karang Taruna Pemuda Kampung Bagan Kota Batam Sebagai Fondasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Keberlanjutan Budaya2024-07-15T12:36:25+00:00Ellbert Hutabriellbert.hutabri@gmail.comRobby Satriarobmandala@gmail.comErlin Elisaelin210110@gmail.comAlfannisa Annurrallah<p>Kampung Bagan, an old Malay village on the coast of Tanjung Piayu, Batam City, has great cultural and economic potential but faces challenges in maintaining its cultural identity and competitiveness in the era of globalization. The youth of Kampung Bagan, most of whom work as factory workers, fishermen and traders, have creativity that has not yet been fully explored. Karang Taruna Kampung Bagan plays an important role in social and cultural activities. To empower youth, digital clothing screen printing training was carried out which integrated Malay cultural motifs into clothing designs. This training aims to improve skills, empower the local economy, preserve culture, and encourage creativity and innovation. This program involves team formation, needs analysis, and impact evaluation using guided training methods. The results show an increase in youth skills and income as well as an increase in community solidarity. Challenges such as limited resources and participation need to overcome poverty programs. It is hoped that the revitalization of the creativity of the Kampung Bagan Youth Youth Organization through digital clothing screen printing training will be able to provide a solid foundation for economic growth and cultural prosperity, making youth better prepared to face global challenges and increasing community competitiveness.</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Praktikum IPA SD bagi Guru SD di Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah2024-07-15T13:13:11+00:00Jhonas Dongorandongoran231089@gmail.comCici Andriani Manikciciandrianimanik2004@gmail.comReh Syerina Br. Bangunrehsyerina@gmail.comAldo Yehezkiel Aritonangaldoaritonang2905@gmail.comDairi Sapta Rindu<p><em>One of the problems with education in Indonesia, especially in Central Tapanuli Regency, is the unequal distribution of teachers, especially in certain skills, for example science teachers. On the one hand, there are professional demands on teachers, meaning that teachers are the determining factor in the success of a quality learning process, so that whether or not education achieves its goals is always linked to the work of teachers. Therefore, efforts made to improve the quality of education should start from improving the quality of teachers.</em></p> <p><em>One solution related to the problem above is to provide practical science training for elementary school teachers who do not have a science background. The form of this practicum adapts to the types of experiments in elementary school, namely it is simple and can be carried out by students themselves.</em></p> <p><em>The evaluation carried out during this PPM activity consists of 2 forms, namely performance evaluation carried out by the PPM team and evaluation in the form of a questionnaire filled in by the teacher participants. From the performance evaluation, participants whose teachers took part in training activities had an average activity score of 84.3, which was in the good category. Meanwhile, from the questionnaire it can be concluded that similar training is very necessary to increase experience and knowledge, especially science practicum</em></p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Kemampuan Menulis Guru di Era Digital Melalui Pelatihan Kecerdasan Buatan2024-07-15T12:28:09+00:00Agus Lia Sandri<p><em>In the digital era, effective writing skills are becoming increasingly important for teachers, especially at SMP IT Nurul Muhajirin Batam, to produce quality learning materials, communicate with students and parents, and engage in professional development. This training aims to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) training in strengthening teachers' writing skills in the digital era. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study at SMP IT Nurul Muhajirin Batam. Data was collected through interviews with teachers, classroom observations, and document analysis. Research findings show that AI training can help teachers improve their writing skills in several aspects, such as grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary use. AI training also helps teachers produce more creative and engaging content for students. AI training is a promising tool for strengthening teachers' writing skills in the digital era. Further research is needed to explore the effectiveness of AI training in different educational contexts.</em></p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Komunikasi dalam Tindak Tutur Pelayanan Publik di Kelurahan Tanah Garam Kota Solok2024-07-15T12:34:55+00:00Rini Wirasty. Briniwirasty@gmail.comRedo Andi Martaredoandimarta@gmail.comZona Rida Rahayuzonaridarahayu550@gmail.comElan Halidelanhalid2@gmail.comMega<p>Good public service is the main responsibility in managing government and meeting all the needs of the community so that the services provided by government officials can be more satisfying to the community, a mindset change is needed from all government officials implementing public services as a first step in providing excellent service. because service is an activity carried out with full awareness and noble intentions to help others and provide the best to others as part of an effort to make himself and the institutions he manages become good in the eyes of the people served so as to create satisfaction.</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA STBM pada Masyarakat di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Sei Lekop Bintan Timur Kabupaten Bintan2024-07-15T13:04:34+00:00Fajar<p>Sanitation is an effort to control all human physical environmental factors that will cause things that are detrimental to physical development, health, and endurance. The limited sanitation of public facilities that meet environmental health requirements has not been optimal in the health center area has been observed. The method of activity that will be carried out together with the community service partners of the Health Center is an environmental health inspection activity. Based on the results of the community service activities that have been carried out, the following findings were obtained; of the 20 schools in the work area of the Sei Lekop Health Center UPTD that have undergone Environmental Health Inspections, only 1 school meets environmental health requirements and there are 19 schools that have not met environmental health requirements based on the results of environmental health infections carried out using the Environmental Health Infection form. There is already management of the Sei Lekop Health Center and schools in order to improve the Standards of Public Facilities (Schools). There is only a lack of advocacy for the parties above to improve these standards. Based on the results of community service, it is concluded that the Health Center partners need to improve environmental health inspection actions and there is advocacy from various parties involved in environmental health activities.<br>Keywords: Sanitation, Environmental Health Inspection</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Karakteristik Anak Melalui Program Ekstrakurikuler di Perumahan Buana Impian 2 Kota Batam2024-07-15T13:11:28+00:00Wasiman<p>Law Number 20 of 2003 regarding the National Education System Article 3 aims to enhance national intelligence and functions to shape the character of the Indonesian nation. According to Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 62 of 2014, extracurricular activities are those undertaken by students outside of regular school hours as part of intracurricular and co-curricular programs, under the guidance and supervision of educational institutions. These activities aim to fully develop students' potential, talents, interests, abilities, personalities, cooperation, and independence to support the achievement of national education goals. Common extracurricular activities in schools include scouting, sports (such as football and volleyball), arts (dance, music, theater), the Youth Red Cross (PMR), scientific projects, and Olympiads. Achievement indicators include the implementation of these extracurricular activities. According to literature, character education encompasses values education, moral education, and character education, all aimed at developing the abilities of all school members. Students' character formation can be achieved through various school activities and the involvement of teachers and parents in managing their children's activities at school and in the community. Education should not only aim to make children smart but also instill noble values or national character. Therefore, instilling these values must begin at an early age so that children grow up to be proud members of the nation. To address the decline in morals or character among students, innovations are needed to shape children's character and reduce moral crises. Regularly conducted extracurricular activities can shape children to adopt positive behaviors, while teachers can contribute through learning activities and by setting examples. Thus, it is recommended that schools conduct regular activities and provide adequate care, fostering cooperation between schools, school committees, and parents in monitoring each child's activities both at school and in the community through extracurricular activities.</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pendukung Perancangan Arsitektur Bangunan Pada CV. Wiradi Jaya Konstruksi2024-07-15T13:05:52+00:00Ayu Manik Gde Manik Made Lisma Komang Mahendra<p>Augmented Reality (AR) menjadi salah satu pilihan perusahaan untuk membantu memasarkan atau memperkenalkan produk mereka. CV. Wiradi Jaya Konstruksi adalah salah satu perusahaan pengembang rumah yang memiliki pelanggan dengan kebutuhan berbeda-beda. CV. Wiradi Jaya Kontruksi belum secara maksimal menggunakan teknologi sebagai media yang membantu saat melayani pelanggan mereka. Kendala yang dihadapi saat ini adalah pelanggan kurang maksimal mendapatkan informasi tentang rancangan arsitektur yang dimiliki. AR digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut karena merupakan sebuah teknologi yang menggabungkan objek virtual ke dunia nyata sehingga pengguna dapat merasakan objek virtual seperti nyata. Membangun media AR ini berbasis android tujuannya adalah untuk mempermudah pelanggan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang produk yang dimiliki. Fitur dalam aplikasi ini AR camera, panduan, rotasi, desain interior, perubahan warna dan exit. Pengujian user experience menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan 8 pertanyaan mendapatkan hasil sebesar 81,25% menyatakan aplikasi termasuk kriteria sangat baik serta pengujian blackbox testing dimana semua fitur berjalan sesuai harapan.</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Powtoon Untuk Guru SMP di Batam2024-07-15T12:33:22+00:00Army Trilidia Herasmus<p>The Training and Mentoring Program for Creating Learning Media Using <em>Powtoon</em> for Junior High School Teachers in Batam is an important initiative to enhance teachers' competence in utilizing modern technology in the teaching and learning process. In this digital era, interactive and engaging learning media are essential to foster students' interest in learning. Through this program, junior high school teachers in Batam received intensive training on the use of <em>Powtoon</em>, a platform that allows the creation of interesting and easy-to-use animated videos. In addition to training, mentoring was also provided to ensure that teachers could produce effective learning media that align with their teaching materials.</p> <p>This program not only focuses on improving teachers' technical skills but also encourages creativity and innovation in presenting learning materials. With full support from the mentoring team, teachers can create engaging and interactive learning videos, which are expected to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. The results of this training show that teachers in Batam are now more confident in using technology as a teaching aid, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the quality of education in the city.</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Tata Letak Barang Menggunakan Data Mining2024-07-15T13:14:28+00:00Anggia Aristaanggiaarista4@gmail.comRahmat<p><em>Goods storage is very important in every business. Having the right layout for storing goods will make it easier for business owners to run their business. Determining a storage location is something that needs to be studied because each item has its own characteristics. Data Mining is an iterative and interactive process to find new patterns or models that can be generalized for the future, useful and understandable in a very large database (massive database). Through the mining process with the Apriori algorithm, the types of goods that are sold more will be obtained, and the procedures for arranging the goods that will be displayed in the shop. Because the layout of the goods influences the customer's interest and desire to buy goods in the shop. The training went well where employees at the Sabilah hand craft home industry were given training on how to arrange goods and use data mining in preparing the layout of goods</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Peningkatan Kemampuan Literasi Digital untuk Menanggulangi Hoaks bagi Siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru2024-07-15T12:19:38+00:00Yessi Ratna Sariyessiratnasari91@gmail.comEssy Islami<p><em>Nowadays, internet use can be accessed easily by various groups, especially among high school/vocational school students. Apart from the positive impacts obtained by users, the negative impacts of exposure to students via the internet are also very large. Students are often exposed to fake news on various social media platforms because of their unwise use. </em><em>Therefore, the service team carries out community service activities. This activity aims to improve students' ability to read, receive and criticize all types of news so that they can prevent the spread of false information through digital literacy knowledge. Participants in the activity were 27 class X students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. The approach method used is learning and understanding by providing material regarding digital literacy, exercises in the form of questions and answers including pre-test, post-test and discussions. The pre-test results show that around 80% of students are aware of the importance of digital literacy in everyday life. After providing material and discussion, a significant increase in students' understanding and awareness was obtained through the post-test, namely 96%. By carrying out this activity, it is hoped that students will be able to sort out positive information, ignore news that is provocative and spreads hatred.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Penggunaan Enzim A-Amilase Dan B-Glukoamilase pada Proses Pembuatan Pati Sagu Menjadi Gula Sagu pada Petani Sagu di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti2024-07-15T12:32:37+00:00Delia Meldradmeldra@gmail.comYopy<p><em>The high national demand for sugar makes Indonesia very dependent on imports of cane sugar. Alternative products are urgently needed to reduce dependence on imported cane sugar, and one product that has potential is sago sugar. Currently, sago sugar is starting to be developed, one of which is in Sungai Tohor Village, Tebing Tinggi Timur District, Meranti Islands Regency. The aim of the service is to identify the process of processing sago into sago sugar, provide knowledge about the enzymes ?-amylase and ?-glucoamylase and their applications, provide enzyme packages that act as a binder as one of the factors in making sugar, reactivate production, teach e-commerce promotion, and recommend suggestions regarding the development of sago sugar products. The method or approach used in this activity is a participatory approach. This approach is a practice of communicative, transactive, advocative and collaborative planning theories. In carrying out this service, it was carried out well, from the delivery of materials, procurement of enzyme packages, manufacturing processes, and making attractive sago sugar packaging. Delivery of service material is done online with several constraints of funds, time, distance, energy, and conditions that do not allow service members to go back and forth in one day or stay overnight in the area, and considering that the process of making sago sugar will also take a long time. The enzyme package is the biggest expense in this service, considering that the price of this enzyme is very expensive. Meanwhile, the process of making sago sugar takes a relatively long time, around 3 or 4 days. The use of the enzymes ?-amylase and ?-glucoamylase in the process of making sago starch into sago sugar among sago farmers in Meranti Islands Regency got good results in the form of understanding the manufacture and use of enzymes, providing enzyme packages to sago processing entrepreneurs, good sago sugar production results, and produce attractive packaging that can be profitable.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Pengetahuan Budaya dan Pemahaman Siswa Melalui One Day Trip Luar Negeri di Singapura2024-07-15T13:13:51+00:00Fasaaro Hulufashulu@gmail.comSamad Laiafannolaia@gmail.comHesty Bertha D.<p><em>This student mentoring activity was carried out for one day in Singapore and aimed to enrich knowledge, cultural understanding and educational and technological development in Singapore through, “One Day Trip Singapore activity”. Students are given basic English assistance and understanding of cultural knowledge while in Singapore. The result of this mentoring are the students could increase their confidence in speaking English with the tourists and Singaporean citizens, Participants can comply with the culture of queuing in public places, Participants understand the use of escalators for users who walk fast and elderly users, Participants understand the differences in currency and value, as they spent when they make transactions at the cashier, Participants understand the culture of fast walking and are motivated to participate when walking together in public places, participants maintain cleanliness while in public places and in all places in Singapore, along with understanding the use of restrooms and participants understand the lion statue The fish tail in Singapore is an icon of the country of Singapore which is based on the native Malay people who work as fishermen.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Multi Meter dalam Rangka Mengembangkan Kemampuan Praktek Fisika Siswa SMA 3 Kota Batam2024-07-15T13:12:02+00:00Yunesman<p><em>SMAN3 Batam, as one of the well-known high schools in the city of Batam, has difficulty applying physics learning practices, specifically the use of measuring instruments. Where learning is still in theoretical form. Training on the use of The multimeter aims to improve understanding of the basic principles of the use of multimeters in physics practice, including how to measure voltage, current, and resistance correctly in the use of multimeters as electrical measuring instruments in everyday life, as well as strengthen the learning of electrical physics. The research method uses survey and observation methods carried out on students of class XII IPA SMAN3 Batam by providing training on the use of multi tester measuring instruments. To see the progress of practice by giving pretest and posttest questions from the training results The trainees can understand the basic principles of using a multimeter, including how to measure voltage, current, and resistance correctly. In the use of a multimeter, including the right technique for connecting the device to the power source and the object to be measured, and show the seriousness of the students following the training by showing a significant change in the pre-test and post-test scores. Training like this should be done on an ongoing basis.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Konten Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Interaktif pada Himpunan Guru Kota Batam2024-07-15T13:12:34+00:00Erlin Elisaelin210110@gmail.comTukino Harmanrika.harman@gmail.comPastima Simanjutakp.lastria@gmail.comKoko Handokokokohandoko01@gmail.comSri<p><em>Advances in digital technology have taken an important role in people's lives, this progress certainly provides many conveniences in increasing the intensity of work to become more effective and efficient, one of which is in the field of education, where education in fact must follow technological developments, especially in learning methods, so that it can always improve quality. learning, this service activity was held at the Teachers' Association in Batam City, which consists of kindergarten and elementary school teachers. This group of teachers still has limitations regarding what kind of interactive methods should be given to students so that they don't get bored quickly, considering that their students are included in the category of children who need something new, so far teachers have not utilized application technology to support them in provided the material, until the training was given they were still using Microsoft Office only and had not tried other media. In this activity, we from the service team will provide interactive training in creating creative learning content. On this occasion, the team will provide how to create presentations and interactive animated videos using the Powtoon application. The Powtoon application can help smart teachers explain material concepts more clearly as well as limitations. space, time and senses, especially in schools that are still implementing distance or hybrid learning methods.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Media Leaflet dan Promosi Kesehatan terhadap Upaya Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Tuberkulosis (TBC)2024-07-15T13:03:57+00:00Chinta Yolanda Intan<p><em>Preventive and control measures for tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia, aiming for TB elimination by 2030, are part of Indonesia's commitment, including sustainable development goals. Limited knowledge, poor behavior, and suboptimal TB prevention and control measures in that company have been observed. The method of activity to be implemented with the community service partner, PT. Lancang Kuning Sukses (LKS), includes: 1) the distribution of leaflets and health promotion to improve workers' knowledge and behavior change in TB prevention and control through questionnaires; 2) direct education and training with company leaders through face-to-face interviews. Based on the results of the community service activities conducted, findings include: 1) a significant improvement in workers' knowledge and behavior towards TB prevention and control through leaflets and health promotion, 2) an awareness from the company to change actions for TB prevention and control in the workplace through direct education and training with company leaders. Based on the community service results, it is concluded that the partner PT. LKS is effective in actions for TB prevention and control at the workplace, thereby helping to reduce TB cases and assisting in the move towards elimination in Indonesia by the year 2030.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Manajemen Pemasaran Berbasis Transaksi Elektronik melalui Pemanfaatan Market Place untuk Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Komplek Perumahan Graha Mentarau2024-07-15T13:06:28+00:00Lenny Husnalenihusna17@gmail.comRealize Dasa<p><em>This community service aims to introduce and increase the public's understanding of the Graha Mentarau housing complex regarding electronic transaction-based marketing management through the use of the marketplace. In this context, the application of the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE) becomes relevant because it regulates legal aspects related to electronic transactions, including consumer protection, data security and online business regulations. This training not only aims to improve practical skills in selling online but also to ensure that these activities comply with applicable legal provisions. Through interactive workshops and direct mentoring, training participants will be equipped with knowledge on how to effectively manage their online business, while understanding the legal responsibilities that must be complied with. It is hoped that the results of this training can make a significant contribution in increasing people's income and economic welfare, as well as strengthening compliance with the ITE Law in the context of marketplace utilization in the current digital era.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Kemampuan Siswa SMK dalam Mengembangkan Web2024-07-15T13:10:16+00:00Saut Pintubipar Ani Arnomo<p><em>Nowadays it is such a crucial element to provide training for students before entering th job market after school. Taking an Exam for Profesional certification is one of available option they can obtain. This program was conducted to optimize the students' preparation for the certification assessment. This crucial acquisition of competency certification nowadays represents a significant advantage for students about to complete their education, whether at the university level or in secondary schools. One such in-demand competency certification for IT vocation school is junior web development certification. Web development skills are increasingly essential in today's digital economy, providing students with the tools to create and manage web-based applications and services. Early exposure to web development can enhance students' problem-solving abilities and technical proficiency, preparing them for diverse career opportunities in the technology sector. Recognizing the importance and benefits of this certification, it is deemed necessary to conduct training on this competency as part of a community service program. The result of this program is to enhance the ability of students to maintain their understanding of the web development fundamentals and their ability to follow correct and proper development methods</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Kualitas Kesehatan Melalui Program Rumah Sehat di Pulau Ngenang Kota Batam2024-07-15T12:35:38+00:00Hengky<p><em>Pulau Ngenang, Batam City, faces significant challenges related to access to clean water and adequate sanitation, which negatively impact public health. The Healthy House Program is designed to address these issues through infrastructure improvements, health education, and increased public awareness. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Healthy House Program in improving the health quality of the Pulau Ngenang community. The methods used include qualitative and quantitative approaches, with initial and final health surveys, field observations, and in-depth interviews with household representatives. The results show significant improvements in access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and a reduction in the incidence of diseases such as diarrhea and skin diseases. Health education has increased the community's knowledge and awareness of healthy living practices. Field observations confirm that renovated houses have better ventilation, increased use of clean water, and improved sanitation systems. Interviews with household representatives reveal that the community has experienced direct benefits from the program, including improved quality of life and productivity. The conclusion is that the Healthy House Program has successfully improved the health and well-being of the Pulau Ngenang community. For the program's sustainability, continued technical and financial support, ongoing health education, additional program development, and collaboration with various stakeholders are recommended. With joint commitment, this program can continue to develop and provide long-term benefits for public health.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Uji Kompetensi Keahlian untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Akhir Siswa Kelas XII di SMKS Teknologi Industri Pinggir2024-07-15T12:18:54+00:00Budy Satriabudysatriadeveloper@gmail.comCandra Suryacandrasurya@gmail.comKhelvin Ovela Putrakhelvinovela@gmail.comTomy Nanda Putratomynanda.p24@gmail.comBudi Permana Putrabudipermanaputra96@gmail.comIrzon Meiditrameiditrairzon@gmail.comDori Gusti Alex Candradorigustialexcandra@gmail.comNurdi Afriantonurdiafrianto1995@gmail.comAdi<p><em>Skills Competency Test (UKK) is a government program implemented by secondary level education units, especially for Vocational High School (SMK) students to measure students' competency achievements. On March 6 2024, a Skills Competency Test was carried out at the Pinggir Industrial Technology Vocational School as a form of participation in Community Service (PKM). The UKK participants were 12 class XII vocational school students majoring in Office Management Automation (OTKP). The aim of this PKM activity is to assist the Pinggir Industrial Technology Vocational School in carrying out skills competency exams so that quality graduates can enter the world of work professionally. The methods for implementing PKM are preparation, direction, mentoring, practice and assessment. The final assessment results from the UKK implementation were that there were 12 students with an average score of 92.25. The conclusion is that participants have passed and are competent in the field of Office Management Automation</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Kewirausahaan di Usia Muda2024-07-15T11:58:21+00:00Hendri Hermanhendrihermanbatam@gmail.comMuhammad<p><em>Entrepreneurship is one of the ways you can get a side income to improve the family's economic life. At a time when there's a lot of competition in the world of work. On the other hand, there is a labor force that has not obtained a job that corresponds to the level of education it has. There is also a labour force that does not get a job because it does not have an education. Therefore, in addition to obtaining side income, entrepreneurship is one of the ways that can be done to make a living, because it is the only source of income. The first step that can be taken to foster entrepreneurial interest is the construction of entrepreneurship where the source is the source that really struggles in the business world so that it can motivate the participants. This dedication will be held in the Pondok Pesantren Ruhul Qur'an that lies in the Mediterranean extension Blk HH 3 A no. 18-23. This dedication is a young age, so it is worthy to be given an understanding and insight into entrepreneurship so that it can be one of the sources of economic income in the future. This dedication is expected to make a positive contribution to the participants</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 27 Aviari Batu Aji Batam2024-07-15T12:18:19+00:00Gaguk Rudiantogagukrudianto@gmail.comMhd Johanthorshid@gmail.comZia Hisni Mubarakmubarakzia@gmail.comWinda Evyantowinda731016@gmail.comYunisa Irawanmcnaf77@gmail.comDairi Sapta Rindu Simanjuntaksaptadairi@gmail.comShafa Firda Nilasfnila87@gmail.comAfriana<p><em> Kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kegiatan berupa pelatihan tentang Percakapan Bahasa Inggris, Dasar bagi Siswa-siswi SMAN 27 Aviari – Batuaji – Batam. Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Bahasa Inggris dan bekerja sama dengan pihak sekolah SMAN 27 tersebut. Materi pelatihan sudah disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga mampu setidaknya memberikan sedikit solusi bagi permasalahan siswa-siswi yang terjadi di zaman mileneal sekarang ini. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut antara lain, Siswa-siswi SMAN 27 Aviari kurang menguasai Bahasa Inggris dan mereka merasa tidak percaya diri dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam komunikasi sehari-hari di lingkungan sekolah ataupun rumah. Pelatihan ini dilakukan mulai bulan November 2023 dan berakhir pada bulan Januari 2024 dengan sebanyak 5 pertemuan yang dilakukan secara berkala. Dari pelatihan ini dihapkan peserta pelatihan mendapatkan penyegaran peningkatan pengetahuan tentang penerapan percakapan Bahasa Inggris, Di akhir dari pelatihan ini peserta pelatihan diharapkan mampu berbicara Bahasa Inggris lisan dengan struktur yang sederhana, serta merasa percaya diri dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA and Training Service Komputer pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Tanjung Sengkuang Kecamatan Batu Ampar Kota Batam2024-07-15T13:10:55+00:00Larisang Rahman Aisyah<p><em>The development of information technology, especially computers, will definitely lead to the development of users, both in terms of technology and devices. As the number of computers increases, job opportunities in the computer field will also become wider. Thus, users need to have the ability to assemble and repair computers. On the occasion of this community service activity, the Faculty of Engineering, Ibnu Sina University invited the people of Tanjung Sengkuang Village, Batu Ampar District, Batam City to provide training and counseling regarding computer repair, both hardware and software. This activity was attended by youth participants from Tanjung Sengkuang Village who are still studying Middle School and High School. The method of implementing this computer repair training activity begins with providing knowledge and demonstrating about installation and maintenance on computers. In this training, participants understand the operating system and how to repair computers, both hardware and software</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Warga Desa Cimanggu melalui Pembinaan Pembuatan Ekoenzim dan Nuget Tahu2024-07-15T12:17:36+00:00Lusi Wardati<p><em>This community service activity aims to realize the work program of the chemical engineering study program, serve the community, build a spirit of mutual cooperation and social care, and prepare students in accordance with the development and demands of society. The target of the activity is the community of Cimanggu Village, Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency. This activity is based on Pancasila, Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, and chemical engineering study program. The activity took place over two days, June 24-25, 2023, in Cimanggu Village. The first day was filled with persuasion to the community, and the second day was filled with socialization about making ecoenzymes from vegetable and fruit waste as soil fertilizers, and making tofu nuggets with the residents. This activity has been carried out well, and the entire series of events have been realized, including persuasion of residents, making ecoenzymes, socializing tofu nuggets, and helping residents with gardening. The response of the residents was quite enthusiastic.</em><em> </em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Public Speaking untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan dalam Berorganisasi di Sekolah Menengah Atas2024-07-16T03:09:25+00:00Angel Purwantiangelpurwanti@yahoo.comTimbul Wongwongpinjel5503@gmail.comRas Gustini Anggi<p><em>Communication is one of the skills needed to speak, listen, overcome verbal communication barriers, understand other people's nonverbal communication, and develop ways to resolve conflicts. Public speaking and presentations are one types of communication skills. Public speaking and presentations are the process of conveying an oral message to an audience and are important activities in a culture where people have the right to speak freely. Speaking in public is not easy for him because many people are afraid of talking to new people, whether in class or public. </em><em>Both presentation and public speaking abilities are necessary for students to succeed in the workplace when they are hired. To prepare students to speak and present in public as soon as possible, schools must provide public speaking and presentation training. This program was conducted at SMAK Immanuel Batam, a class X science and social science OSIS member. This exercise uses training as a means of carrying out community service. Mentoring or lectures, conversations, and practice are all part of the training that covers public speaking techniques and developing presenting concepts. These exercises help participants learn how to manage their nervousness and fear when giving public speeches and how to develop effective presenting ideas. The students enjoyed this activity which lasted for 5 days.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Senam Aerobik pada Masyarakat di Perumahan Milala Rumah Tengah Medan2024-07-16T03:10:58+00:00Heka Maya Sari Br Ulina Br Junius O F Sinagasinagajunius35@gmail.comEka Daniela Tanjungekadanielatanjung@gmail.comEliana Nadapdapeliananadapdap91@gmail.comTresia Ayustina Siregarthresiasiregar8@gmail.comDonald Vincensius Mario Siregardonalvinsiregar@gmail.comMangasih Hutagaolmhutagaol327@gmail.comPirma Veretty Hayani<p><em>Abstr</em><em>ak</em><em>:</em><em> </em><em>Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat di Perumahan Milala Rumah Tengah Blok T Ujung tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dengan Senam Harmoni Tao Toba.</em><em> </em><em>Kegiatan ini dilakukan karena banyak warga yang malas berolahraga. Senam Harmoni Tao Toba dipilih karena bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kebugaran, mengurangi ris</em><em>iko penyakit kronis, stres, dan kecemasan, serta memperkuat rasa kebersamaan.</em><em> </em><em>M</em><em>etode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah dengan cara mengadakan pengabdian senam aerobik. Sehingga dengan adanya kreasi baru dari senam yang dibawakan oleh mahasiswa , peserta senam dapat merasa kolaborasi yang lebih menyenangkan dan</em> <em> kreatif . Diharapkan program-program seperti ini dapat berkelanjutan , agar masyarakat dapat merasakan dampak yang lebih baik, sehingga kepedulian masyarakat terhadap kesehatan lebih dipedulikan dan pola hidup sehat dalam masyarakat dalam berjalan dengan baik. </em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Abstract:This community service aims to increase the knowledge of the community in Milala Rumah Tengah Housing Block T Ujung about the importance of maintaining health with Tao Toba Harmony Gymnastics. This activity was carried out because many residents were lazy to exercise. Tao Toba Harmony Gymnastics was chosen because it is useful for improving fitness, reducing the risk of chronic disease, stress and anxiety, and strengthening a sense of togetherness. The method used in carrying out this activity is by holding an aerobic exercise service. So that with new creations of gymnastics presented by students, gymnastics participants can experience more fun and creative collaboration. It is hoped that programs like this can be sustainable, so that the community can feel a better impact, so that people are more concerned about health and healthy lifestyles in the community run well.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Mengenalkan Struktur Data pada SMK Negeri 2 Cimahi2024-07-17T08:30:42+00:00Shandy Lestari<p><em>Data structures and algorithms are important, integrated, and mutually supportive parts of building good and efficient application programs. Paying more attention to this can provide very important results, especially in increasing access speed and providing insight and guidance on how to improve problem solving and find better solutions. The service team conducts community service in Software Engineering expertise, this certainly supports the material that will be delivered to the Software Engineering department about learning Data Structures. In addition, the service team received an explanation from the teacher of SMK Negeri 2 Cimahi, there is data structure learning material so that it is sustainable in the training held by the service team. The material presented by 3 (three) speakers included linked lists, stacks and queues. The following are the results done by the service participants. The conclusion on community service at SMK Negeri 2 Cimahi, the service participants, namely school students, were enthusiastic in learning data structure material. Service participants understand better and can implement the results that have been done in the training process.</em></p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Storytelling Dapat Meningkatkan Speaking Skills dan Literasi Siswa 2024-07-20T02:28:26+00:00Afriana Afrianaafrianaupb@gmail.comYunisa Elfi Imam Akbar<p><em>Storytelling is the scope of public speaking which concerns the way and art of speaking to other people or the public/audience. Therefore, telling stories requires repeated practice so that the speaker is confident and able to control himself and his audience. There are several things included in storytelling, namely MC/Host, Speech, Rhetoric, and so on. In conveying storytelling in public, you need skills in speaking and also literacy. Therefore, it is very important for speakers to master the material and stage by carrying out various kinds of training to develop literacy and grow self-confidence. To become a good speaker, you need to practice these two things. With storytelling training, speaking skills and literacy can be improved, especially for students in Batam, Riau Islands. This service looks at storytelling in improving students' speaking and literacy skills, exploring issues related to language learning and improving education. The design used is a qualitative research method. Data is collected through students' speaking and writing skills, as well as surveys and interviews with educators and students. In addition, community service activities are held to overcome barriers to language learning. Results showed that students who participated in storytelling activities showed significant improvements in speaking fluency, vocabulary use, and ability to compose detailed and clear literary descriptions.</em></p>2024-07-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Inovasi AIoT (Artificial Intellegence Internet of Things) untuk Penyiraman Otomatis di RPTRA Abdi Praja2024-07-22T07:55:13+00:00Angga Ariawanangga181190@gmail.comAnderson<p><em>The Abdi Praja RPTRA is a green open space that faces challenges in inefficient watering of plants. This Community Service Program (PkM) aims to overcome this problem by implementing an automatic watering system based on artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This program aims to improve water use efficiency, plant health and environmental quality as well as supporting reforestation and sustainability of green spaces. Media Nusantara Citra University students will be actively involved in the development and application of this technology, as well as providing education to the public about environmentally friendly technology. This automatic watering system is adjusted to weather conditions and air humidity which will be processed using the Fuzzy Logic algorithm as real-time artificial intelligence, so it can save water and ensure optimal care for plants.</em></p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Penggunaan Keamanan Siber Sistem Informasi Perusahaan dan Komunikasi Internal2024-07-25T09:23:33+00:00Anintyo Herdadianintyoherdadi@gmail.comIlmi Sila<p><em>Data security and information systems in a company are very important because they transport a company's data progress. Currently, there are many crimes in the field of technology, so a security system is needed so that data cannot be accessed and stolen by unauthorized people. The aim of this research is to provide outreach in training on the use of cyber security in a company. The right way to use to build security information in a company includes: 1. Making a study of policies regarding various information systems. Using an encryption system in data transfer 3. Choosing safe software for the organization 4. Increasing the security of passwords used .5 Implementing an Information Security Management System. Carrying out this service can help employees and company management of PT Unisystem Utama in maintaining data security from people who do not have the right to use data owned by the company.</em></p>2024-07-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Peningkatan Efisiensi Produksi dan Omset Penjualan UMKM melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Lean Manufacturing2024-07-25T09:22:22+00:00Sanusi Prakasa Hasibuanrizkiph54@gmail.comIsmail<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif;">The community service activities aim to enhance the capacity of UMKM (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) in RT01 RW13 Batu Besar Batam- Kepri, by leveraging information technology to support economic and business activities. This program includes a series of training sessions focused on the use of information technology, social media, e-commerce platforms, and an understanding of lean manufacturing principles. The methods used involve initial socialization to identify the needs and potential of SMEs, group-based training, and simulations. As a result of this activity, SMEs can improve their production processes, inventory management, and product marketing more effectively. Lean manufacturing principles help SMEs to identify and reduce waste in the production process, thereby improving productivity and product quality. Additionally, there is increased participation in the digital economy, such as selling local products through e-commerce platforms. The program also positively impacts the education sector. Overall, these dedication activities have improved digital literacy and empowered the public, especially SMEs actors, to face the challenges of the digital age.</span></p>2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Produksi Video Dokumenter bagi Karang Taruna Handayani Desa Bansari 2024-07-30T01:38:52+00:00Joehananto Djoko Teguh Wibowojoehananto@mmtc.ic.idKundori<p><em>This study documents the implementation of documentary video production training for Karang Taruna Handayani of Bansari Village, Bansari District, Temanggung Regency, as part of a community service effort to increase community potential through visual media. This training was carried out with the aim of empowering members of Karang Taruna in developing technical and creative skills in video production, as well as to promote the local potential of Bansari Village. The training implementation method includes intensive workshops that include learning the basic theory of video production, hands-on practice in shooting and editing, as well as continuous mentoring from the teaching team. The active participation of Karang Taruna members in all stages of the activity was the key to success in achieving the set objectives. The results of this activity include the production of several documentary videos highlighting various aspects of Bansari Village's life and potential, ranging from natural resources to local cultural activities. These videos not only aim to raise awareness of the village's diversity and beauty, but also as a means to motivate the younger generation to promote and protect their local heritage. </em><em>In conclusion, this study shows that documentary video production training can be an effective instrument in increasing community participation in local development as well as in strengthening community identity and pride. By applying the skills gained from this training, it is hoped that Karang Taruna Handayani Desa Bansari can continue to play an active role in supporting sustainable development in their village.</em></p>2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Digitalisasi Pembukuan Keuangan Menggunakan Aplikasi Android Siapik Pada Umkm Bumbu Instan Lazizaf di Jakarta Timur2024-07-04T10:39:28+00:00Az Zahroh Rizqizahrarizqi379@gmail.comDwika Virandadipadwikavirandadipa03@gmail.comZara Tania RahmadiYona@gmail.comKampono Imam Yuliantoyulianto@gmail.comIndra Setiawanikpi.ztr@gmail.comDias Adhi Dharmadharma@gmail.comMuhammad Aria<p>This research aims to analyze the socialization process and provide assistance in making simple financial bookkeeping reports for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Matraman, East Jakarta. The method used is a case study with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with MSME owners and financial managers as well as direct observation of the practices carried out in preparing financial reports. The research results show that intensive socialization and the practice of making simple financial reports provide significant benefits for MSMEs in developing their financial understanding and skills.</p>2024-07-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan Berbasis Excel di Bunda Tarie Catering2024-07-04T14:16:48+00:00Balqis Al Humairabalqisalhmr200217@gmail.comPutri Netasya Sarinetasyapoetri@gmail.comZara Tania Rahmadiikpi.ztr@gmail.comWidjanarko Widjanarko Widjanarko@gmail.comDiah NurdianaNurdiana@gmail.comKampono Imam YuliantoYulianto@gmail.comKabul Wahyu<p><em>This research aims to analyze the socialization process and practice of making Excel-based financial reports for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. The method used is a case study with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with MSME owners and financial managers as well as direct observation of the practices carried out in preparing financial reports. The research results show that intensive socialization and the practice of making Excel-based financial reports provide significant benefits for MSMEs in developing their financial understanding and skills.</em></p>2024-07-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA Keterampilan Menulis Kreatif Berbasis Platform Digital di Kalangan Siswa SD Swasta Namira Melalui Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Sastra dan Jurnalistik2024-08-28T07:21:05+00:00Hera Indah Prasastisayaindah30@gmail.comMaya Ustia Sitorusmayaustias25@gmail.comLisa Anggariaanggrainilisa938@gmail.comRangga Kari<p>Writing is important for practicing pouring ideas and honing language skills. The problems found are the absence of special training in writing literary and journalistic works, lack of knowledge about writing on digital platforms, lack of interaction with local writers and journalists, and lack of parental support. Community service aims to develop the creative writing skills of students of Namira Medan Private Elementary School which has not been optimally implemented by collaborating with local journalists. The PkM method is an intensive workshop that focuses on creative writing and journalistic techniques, a short course on technology literacy to support digital creativity, and interactive sessions with local writers and journalists to provide hands-on insights. The results of PkM are that participants understand the writing of literary works, journalism, and increasing understanding of technology which is very useful for the breadth of knowledge of students and their parents and publishing literary works on digital media. The results of the student ability test also seemed to increase and showed a positive change in students' creative writing ability in the form of poetry. The results of the questionnaire for the first and second day activities showed that the students' responses were in the good and very good categories. The results of the students' parents' response to this PkM activity showed that the material provided was very good by 75%, the material related to the needs of students was 85%, the training activities were useful by 88%, the ease of supporting children's writing activities at home was 68.75%, the presentation techniques were interesting at 81%, the training time was efficient at 68.75%, the effectiveness of the activities was 75%, and satisfaction with activities by 85.00%.</p>2024-08-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUAN INDONESIA